Chapter Thirty-Four

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I was in Energy Fields Studies when the P.A. system assaulted my ears again -- it blared way too often, in my opinion. I was called to the office again -- just me. I wondered what I'd done wrong, or right.

Curiosity overwhelmed me as I darted to the office. Simone was all smiles when she invited me in. "Please take a seat," she urged with a wave of her hand. ""How have you been, Annabelle?"

"Good," I said, an automatic answer. But I had indeed been good; I was doing well in my classes, had made friends, had contributed to Haley's case (but not as much as I would have liked), and didn't miss my family too much (still a lot, though).

And I may or may not have a boyfriend.

"Glad to hear it," she said. "I'm so sorry. I've been meaning to have you in to chat and make sure everything is good for you, at RAMS. I always like to check in on my newbies."

I smiled. "I'm good... great," I assured her, "busy."

She laughed, a quiet barely there chuckle. "Well, I do like to keep my students busy, especially the truly gifted ones."

My heart swelled. I loved being the teacher's pet. At my old school, I had never stood out, got average grades, did not excel in sports or arts. Nor was I popular. I was the girl who hid in the corner, her face buried in the pages of a book. Most people probably thought I was one of those studious A+ types -- I wished.

"I wanted to let you know that the detectives are looking into Natalie Foster's ex-boyfriend. I'll keep you and the rest of the team up to date as soon as I know more."

"Thank you," I said gratefully. "I appreciate it."

"You've been adjusting well, here at RAMS?" she asked. "I hope you don't miss your family too much."

"Yes, I have," I said, "been adjusting well. Thanks so much for rooming me up with Alicia. She's great."

Her face lit up. "I'm glad. I knew you two would get along famously. I'm happy to hear you're well, Annabelle. The last few times I've seen you, you seemed a little overwhelmed, a bit stressed. I worried about you."

I was stressed, but I didn't want to admit that. I was away from my family in a completely new world, surrounded by strangers, and studying subjects that were foreign to me, and was expected to find a missing toddler, all the while. Of course I was stressed.

"I'm okay," I said, silently thanking the heavens that she didn't have mind-reading abilities like me. "I just miss my family a bit, but I get to chat with them on most days. And my little sister and I chat via text."

She nodded quietly. She was emotional -- I could feel it so intensely. She felt sorry for me.

"I'm great," I added quickly. "Really. I love it here." I didn't want her to pity me. I was doing just fine.

"I know we'd negotiated a flight back at Christmas to see your family..." she started and my heart sank. She couldn't go back on her promise. I couldn't miss Christmas with my family, and I wasn't sure if my parents could afford the flight.

I could always take the bus...

"Christmas is so far away," she continued. "How would you like to go home for Thanksgiving?"

I suddenly lost the ability to speak -- I was just so surprised. "Yes!!" I finally choked out, despite the huge lump in my throat.

She smiled. "Then it's settled," she said. "RAMS will fly you out at Christmas as well, of course. You've been such a great asset here, Annabelle. You deserve this."

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