Chapter Eleven

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There were about five girls in my room when I woke up the next morning.

One was leaning against the door. Two were standing. Another was sitting at my desk. And one was sitting on Alicia's bed. I rubbed my eyes, wondering what the hell was going on, so early on a Saturday morning.

The girl at the desk shot me a tight smile. She looked like hell. Actually, they all did. And they were all staring at me, witnessing my rising – it's not a pretty thing. I was mildly embarrassed to be found cozying up to Pompom – he was tucked comfortably in my arm. "He's my sister's," I explained.

Alicia was perky as always, busy at work. She was doing her hangover cure thing, and from the looks of it, it was good business. No wonder she could afford Jimmy Choos. Thankfully, I didn't need it. I had stopped at two drinks. I had been the good girl I always try to be.

No, what I needed was something else altogether; a 'love cure'. I had been hit hard. Leo and I hadn't even spoken, but yet...

How the hell does that work? I'd never been hit so hard before. I was sure it was just a silly fleeting thing and that it would pass.

Turns out, Alicia made two-hundred and forty dollars that morning; quite the little entrepreneur.

Alicia was busy in the morning, but after chicken noodle soup and bagels in the common room, we went to a yoga class. My mom's into yoga but I'd never tried it before.

It wasn't pretty.

Well, actually the studio was amazing; dark stained wood flooring, one glass wall looking onto to the vista, the other wall featured large decals of two trees. Orange light washed over the space. There were about twelve other girls, including Alicia, and they all wore fancy yoga outfits and had cool yoga mats with funky designs.

I wore sweats, and an oversized white t-shirt. I had to borrow a mat. And it occurred to me that I was the only one whose toes were not painted. And I was awful. No matter how old you are, you always learn new things about yourself. Apparently, my body does not do that stretchy thing. And apparently, I have no balance whatsoever.

But it was still fun, and the walk back to the dorms was quite educational.

"So, did you have fun?" Alicia asked, all smiles. "You look like you were struggling a little."

I laughed. "A little?"

She cracked up. "Yeah, you were pretty bad, but you still had fun, right?"

I nodded. "So, speaking of fun. You seemed like you had a good time last night. That guy was cute."

She blushed a little. "Yeah, that's Aaron. We're just friends."

I cocked a brow. "Oh... really?"

She smiled. "Well, I like him a lot," she admitted. "He kind of drives me crazy... I'm sorry I took off on you. I didn't really realize I did that until later."

"It's okay. I get it." At least, I was starting to. I was starting to understand how a boy could drive you crazy, and that kind of annoyed me a little. "It was actually good for me to be on my own a bit. I met a few nice people."

She perked up. "Who did you meet?"

"Colin... he gave me some of the sangria he made."

"Oh... yes, he's awesome. He's lots of fun."

I hesitated for a second before going on. I did want to know about them. "I met Brianna, too."

She nodded. "Yeah... she's a character."

Was that good or bad, I wasn't sure. "How so?"

"She can be a bit of a bully. She's a Dreamer. And apparently, she's also a Cursor."

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