Chapter Thirty-One

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He turned to me. "Then why did you kiss him, Anna. Why did you partner up with him? Why were you wearing matching costumes?"

"Well, the costumes were Kendra's idea," I started. "I didn't have one, and turns out Ace has a car, and he offered to drive us to the Halloween store, and then Kendra just decided...I didn't even want to dress up as Dorothy. That smutty costume was totally not me."

He smiled. "I agree."

"But Ace kinda made me... it's hard to explain."

"I bet he made you kiss him, too."

"He did. He totally did."

"Well, didn't seem like he was holding you down."

"It wasn't like that, Leo. You know Ace. Everyone knows he's a Spellbinder. He's famous around here. The guy just looks at you, and he can make you do anything. He put me in a trance." I realized just how crazy I sounded, but this was Freak Academy, after all. Fire play, mind reading, magic healing potions. We were crazy. We were freaks.

"He's never pulled that shit on me. Why was it so easy with you?" he asked.

That was an excellent question. "I looked into his eyes," was all I managed to say, but I knew there was more to it. Deep inside, I was drawn to Ace, I was attracted to him. Despite the fact that I didn't really like him, and that I was crazy about Leo, Ace still pulled me in for some reason.

"Well, he does have nice eyes," Leo said sarcastically.

"I'm so mad at myself," I said. "I like you so much, Leo."

He still wouldn't look at me.

"Come and sit next to me," I pleaded. "Please."

He didn't budge.

"Please," I begged. "I want you to read me and see. I want you to see how much I like you."

He sat still for the longest time, and finally, he stood slowly. My heart did a little cartwheel. He was handsome in his RAMS uniform, not quite as hot as the night we almost kissed, but still pretty cute. He plopped down next to me without ceremony. I took his hand, and he didn't pull away.

"Look at me," I begged. "Please, look at me."

He turned to me reluctantly. I welled up because I could feel his heartbreak -- it was so much bigger than my own. This wasn't just a little crush -- he really did like me. A lot.

I felt sick to my stomach. "I'm sorry, Leo."

"You broke my heart, Anna," he said. His dark chocolate eyes were more gorgeous than ever, full of vulnerability. "I thought you were different."

"Different how?"

"You're just like all the others," he scoffed. "Falling for Rogers... fuck, you almost kiss me one night. I thought about that all night, and I couldn't wait to see you the next day. And then... you're with him, and next thing you know, you're kissing him."

"I know," I didn't know what to say. I'd already explained it.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to get close to people," he asked, not waiting for an answer. "I'm a loner, Anna. People scare me... they always have. I can't handle their emotions, and I'm always afraid to get hurt. And finally, I trust someone, and this is what happens. I thought you were different."

I saw her then; a pretty blonde. She'd broken his heart. I remembered what Alicia had told me about Leo, the fact that he didn't seem to date, that he'd only had the one girlfriend. "I'm not her. I won't break your heart. I will never let it happen again. Now, I know the power he has over me. I won't let him near me."

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