Chapter Twenty-Three

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Turns out, we stayed an extra half day, and flew back after lunch. We were missing Thursday classes, but none of us were too upset about it.

Simone sat at the front by the cockpit, and went over the report. Kendra, Brianna and I sat at the back, and they pestered me with questions.

Who was this redhead? We didn't really know. What did she look like? Sort of like Emma Stone. What was the expression on Detective Miller's face when Simone told her off? Appalled and embarrassed, with a dash of contempt. What did Leo see? Same as me, minus the lock of hair. Will they be looking into it? Definitely, if Simone has anything to say about it. Was I exhausted? Hell, yeah!

I made myself a cinnamon toast, and went to the media room as soon as I got to the dorm.

From: Annabelle Jenkins

To: Calista Summers

Subject: Hi

Hi Calista,

I hope you are well. I've just returned to Maine, and I have good news. We haven't found little Haley yet, but I was able to identify some key information which might lead us in the right direction. I have a good feeling about this. The puzzle is finally coming together.

I hope you're doing okay. Are you doing anything special for Halloween?

Talk soon,



Me: I'm back.

Kylie: Did you go swimming?

Me: Yes, you wouldn't believe what happened. I'll tell you all about it some day.

Kylie: Mommy and Daddy are at bowling. Mrs. Sullivan is looking after me.

Me: :( I have cinnamon toast. I'm calling you now. Pompom is with me.

I spent the next hour chatting with Kylie, and then rehashing everything for Alicia, from the flight and the hotel, to the freaky swim with Ace, and the pool game. I also told her all about the investigation and all the people we interviewed. I described their homes in great detail. And I certainly didn't forget to tell her about my secret candy stash.

"I'm so jelly," she kept saying. "You could make some good coin, selling that candy."

"It was exciting," I admitted, "but also exhausting. I was so nervous the whole time. I really wanted to do a good job."

She twirled a lollipop (contraband) in her mouth. "And you did."

"So many people are counting on me; Simone, Haley's family... and Haley."

"You'll find her... I'm sure of it," she cheered, bouncing off the bed. There's something special about Alicia. I think it might be impossible to be in a bad mood around her. She reminds me a lot of Kylie.

I smiled as I slipped under my covers. "I need to go to bed early... I'm exhausted."

"Do you need some sleepy time tea?"

"No, thanks. Not tonight."

I closed my eyes.

I love you, bed.

The last thing I saw before falling into slumber were Leo's eyes, and his proud smile.


I slept twelve hours. Which may or may not be a record for me. I was all bushy tailed and perky when I put my uniform on and packed my school bag.

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