Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The ballroom was something else. My jaw dropped to the floor as soon as I set foot in the stunning room.

I'd been preoccupied with my silly costume, and self-conscious about what people would think of me; Oh, look at the trampy new import. I hear she reads minds. That dress is way too short. She doesn't have the legs for it. And those braids are so juvenile. But all those thoughts flew out the window as soon as I saw the ballroom. Most high schools host parties and dances in boring gyms. At RAMS, we have our own freakin' ballroom.

My gaze was drawn to the coffered ceiling, the giant chandelier, and the staircases at both ends, which led to dark balconies. There were already people milling about up there.

My eyes were dancing as I took in the decorations; the chandelier was covered in a gauzy web, and dozens of spiders hung from it. And the stair banisters were equally infested. Tall candelabras were tucked in the corners, and tiny white lights lit up the dark space and danced to the music. An ominous skeleton with glowing red eyes was stirring a foggy purple potion in a huge cauldron by the entrance.

Alicia pulled at my arm. "Check it out," she chirped. "Candy bar." How had I missed the candy bar? We darted to a long table covered with tall candles, pumpkins, spiders, and... treats; Halloween cupcakes on tall tiered displays, caramel popcorn, ginger witches and ghosts cookies, fancy chocolates, jelly beans, and chocolate covered strawberries which weren't particularly Halloweenish, but I was sure glad they were there. I helped myself to one right awaythey'd be gone fast. So did Alicia and Kendra.

Alicia moaned as she popped one into her mouth. She was adorable in her cowardly lion costume. "Sinful."

I scanned the room. There were quite a few kids here already. But no Leo. And no Ace. He seemed like the type who would be fashionably late to this kind of thing, too cool for school and all that. I wondered why I was even thinking about him. I told myself it was because I needed to speak to him about Haley's case.

When Michael Jackson's Thriller came on, the three of us darted to the dance floor. It was fun to see all these people I recognized but didn't really know; kids from English class, some from Music Composition, Psychic Development, the shy girl from Biology, and the joker from Energy Fields Studies.

I was having fun. Then my heart skipped a beat when I saw Leo standing in the corner. He was watching me, a sweet smile on his face. I got the impression that he wasn't a dancer. He made a really sexy piratemove over, Johnny Depp.

Kendra and Alicia turned their gazes to him to see what had hijacked my attention.

"Damn..." Kendra said. "He looks good."

He did. With his messy hair, scruffy unshaven jaw and dark complexion, he made a perfect pirate.

"Go on," Kendra said. "You know you want to."

I didn't need to be told twice. I ran to him, eager.

"Argh," he said. "Aye, matey," and I laughed.

Leo's smile faded and his gaze traveled slowly from the décolletage of my dress, all the way down to my sparkly ruby shoes, but somehow it managed to be sweet and not lewd. "Well, this shindig was definitely worth the price of admission," he teased. "You look amazing."

I smiled. "This party's free, you silly."

His gaze darted around the room. "Yeah, not bad."

Ace cuddled close to me. I hadn't even noticed him creeping up on us. "I think it's time for tin man and Dorothy to go shake up the dancefloor," he said. "Shall we have a go, love?" He had his arm wrapped around my waist, which I thought was a little too familiar.

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