Chapter Eighteen

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I was practically bouncing as I made my way back to my room.

Brianna and Kendra were already in their pajamas; Kendra wore blue flannel ones with monkeys dancing all over them, and Brianna wore silky pajama pants and a hot pink tank top with a big heart curving over her perfect breasts.

They were laughing at some lame show on TV. Brianna was still complaining about Simone. "One hour in the Wi-Fi lounge... I can't believe she won't let us have access to our phones."

"It's like we're living in a communist country or something, where they control everything," Kendra added.

"Well, that's RAMS for you," Brianna pointed out with a pout. "It really feels like jail."

I decided to play the devil's advocate. "Then why go there?"

She shrugged like a petulant teenager (which let's face it, she was). "Uh... because it's cool... and people get me here."

"And also... Ace is here," Kendra added with a playful shove of Brianna's shoulder. Brianna actually blushed a little. It was obvious that she was crazy about him. I understood why... Ace is magnetic, and charming as hell. But Brianna is the kind of girl who could have anyone. But that's how love goes. Once your heart sets its mind on someone, no one else will do.

Kendra bounced off the bed and jumped to her feet. "I've got some money. Let's go raid those vending machines downstairs."

We all jumped up and down like little kids. "Yes!" I wasn't sure what had happened to me, but suddenly I was one of those perky teenage girls who hops and screams.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd had candy. It was nowhere to be found on the RAMS campus.

When we got back up with our stash of candy, we ran into Leo, and although we were adamant that we weren't sharing with the boys, I gave him a Hershey's bar. And they called me a traitor.

"You totally like him," Kendra teased.

Brianna made this annoying swooning sound. "Admit it. As Ace would say, 'you fancy the bloke'," she said in a funny attempt at a British accent.

"Shut up," I scoffed and bit into my Kit Kat bar.

God... Whoever invented chocolate... thank you!

We all went crazy over the stash, and stuffed our faces. We were completely wired, and didn't go to bed until two.

I didn't get a wink of sleep... well, possibly an hour or two. Turns out Brianna snores like a truck driver, she must have a deviated septum or something else going on. I pity the man who marries her. And as it turns out, as expected, the pull-out bed was crap.

It was seven in the morning when Brianna's snoring woke me up for the umpteenth time. I was tossing and turning when I remembered my promise to Kylie.


I padded across the floor and dug through my luggage for my bathing suit; a two piece polka-dot suit I hardly ever wore.

I walked to the elevator, wearing nothing but my suit, Converses, and a huge towel wrapped around my torso. Thankfully, there was no one else around, and the hotel was eerily quiet. I exited the elevator on the lobby floor and nervously found my way to the hotel pool. I peeled off my sneakers, skipped the suggested pre-swim shower and headed straight to the pool. I was glad no one else was around. I'm not a great swimmer, and don't like to embarrass myself. But on the other hand, I wondered if I should be swimming alone.

When I turned the corner, I was surprised to see someone else in the pool. A serious swimmer, the lean frame was breaking through the water like a rocket. I was envious – I've always wanted to swim like a dolphin. But it's hard to swim like a dolphin when you're afraid of water.

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