Chapter Sixteen

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Mr. Henderson went into his office for a moment, and when he came back out, he seemed friendlier.

But this was for our benefit, I'm sure. He was putting on a happy face. I'm sure the last thing he wanted to do was to talk to a bunch of weirdo teenagers. Introductions were quickly made before we all took a seat.

He settled on the arm chair across me, little Calvin on his lap. They truly made a sweet picture. "Today was my first day back at work since..." his voice trailed off.

"I insisted," Jenna broke in. "It was unbearable watching him pacing back and forth."

My gaze was stuck to Mason; sparkling blue eye like his son, and dirty blond hair perfectly slicked back. He truly was a beautiful man, the kind of man with classic looks and an air of sophistication. He reminded me of an old-time movie star. Actually, he reminded me of Ace.

I shook my head when he asked us where we were all from. "I'm from Orlando, Florida," Brianna said cheerfully.

He smiled. "Lucky... it would be nice to never need to shovel snow."

Jenna smiled, a whisper of a laugh escaping her lips. "Like you do, Mason?" She turned to us knowingly. "We have a service." Then her smile faded and it struck me how even in these devastating times, a minuscule moment of happiness had snuck up on her, she'd forgotten about Haley for a second.

"And the rest of you?" he asked, turning his gaze.

"I'm from Naperville," I volunteered. "A suburb of Chicago."

He nodded. "Fine city, Chicago... been there a few times."

"I'm from Canada... so I know all about snow," Kendra offered. "I'm from a suburb of Toronto."

"I'm from across the pond," Ace chimed in, his lovely accent in full evidence.

Mr. Henderson perked up. "I love the UK. Where are you from, exactly?"


"Our students come from all over the world," Simone explained. "Some are at RAMS on scholarship. We've gleaned the world for the most brilliant, magical minds."

He nodded, and the expression he wore was so easy to read – he thought she was a total quack. He was doing this for his wife, to humor her and appease her.

"If you are willing, we would like to conduct an interview with you," Simone went on. "Leo and Anna are psychometrists, and they'd like to ask you a few questions."

He nodded with a cocked brow. I'm sure he didn't really know what she was talking about, nor did he care. "Sure."

"Leo," Simone said with a turn of her hand. "Would you like to start? Why don't you and Mr. Henderson talk in his office?"

Leo stood slowly and turned to him. "Would that work for you, Mr. Henderson?"

"Sure. Please call me Mason."

I was relieved that Leo would be going first. I still needed time. My stomach was queasy and I couldn't stop looking at my watch and fiddling with my necklace. My gaze darted nervously across the sitting room. It settled on the bookcases; a neatly displayed collection of books, photos and knick-knacks. I couldn't quite follow the conversation in the room, and Brianna's cheery voice irritated me. Simone's smooth tone always had the opposite effect.

Finally, Leo stepped out of the office. I glimpsed at my watch – the interview had taken about twenty minutes. My stomach was all topsy-turvy – I was up next. Leo gestured toward the door, and I walked in slowly, nervous as hell.

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