Chapter Twenty-Two

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I was exhausted the next morning. I'd barely gotten a wink of sleep, my mind was full of Leo all night, and Haley, too. And then there was also the crummy pull-out bed, and to add the cherry on top of my insomnia sundae, Brianna's snoring. I longed for my bed back at RAMS, and Alicia's magical sleepy time tea.

I also longed for my comfy bed back home, and my cat. I wondered if Oreo was still sleeping at the end of my bed, or if he had moved to Kylie's room. I'd have to remember to ask. When I got access to my darn phone again.

Kylie: Daddy made really good mac n cheese last night. You would have liked it. Anything new with the little girl?

Me: All dead ends so far, but all of us KNOW that she's still out there. How is Oreo? Is he sleeping with you?

Kylie: Oreo is good. Yes he's sleeping with me.

Me: Cat stealer.

Kylie: You snooze, you lose. He's mine now.

Me: Lol!

Kylie: Do you have a boyfriend yet? Are there cute boys there?

Me: Well, there is this one boy.

Kylie: Really?!

Me: Really.

Kylie: Is he weird like you?

Me: Yes.

Kylie: Lol.

Me: Miss ya. xx

Kylie: Me too. xx


From: Calista Summers

To: Annabelle Jenkins

Subject: Hi

Hi Anna,

Yes, my little sister looks a lot like me. How amazing that you can get into people's minds like that! A little scary and intimidating, too, if I'm honest. I bet no one ever lies to you. There would be no point! Lol!

Infidelity... I know all about that. It's such a small word for something so big; something that can uproot so many lives. I think about it a lot, what my life would be like today if my father hadn't fallen for Samantha. Would my parents and I be happy? Was my dad ever happy?

Although if he'd stayed with my mom, little Charlotte wouldn't exist, would she? She's my life. She's what I live for now.

I took her to the park today. It was a gorgeous fall day, but unfortunately, the excursion didn't turn out as expected. It's been a tough day, and I'm sorry but I can't tell you the rest of my story today. But I promise, I will next time. I am just completely drained at the moment.

One day at a time.

Good luck on the case, and please keep me posted.



From: Annabelle Jenkins

To: Calista Summers

Subject: Hi

Hi Calista,

No worries. I completely understand. I'm kinda drained, too, actually. The case is wearing me out, but I feel like we're getting closer. We spoke with the babysitter, and the mother's lover today. We suspect he might be Haley's biological father, yet, I don't think he had anything to do with it. Tomorrow, we're going to the station to see if we can get anything from an object of interest; a stuffed monkey. It might lead nowhere, or it might be a step in the right direction.

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