Chapter Thirteen

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Me: Guess what?! I'm going to Michigan on assignment.

Kylie: Michigan?!

Me: Yes, we're looking for a missing baby girl, and I'm going to help find her.

Kylie: :( I know you can find her. Good luck!

Me: I will be staying at a hotel. I might not be in touch for a bit. :(

Kylie: Will there be a pool?

Me: I think so.

Kylie: You r so lucky. Promise u will go swimming.

Me: I promise. I will bring my suit. Luv ya. xx

Kylie: xx


From: Calista Summers

To: Annabelle Jenkins

Subject: Hi

Hi Anna,

Wow! Your new school sounds wild! But I think I might stay away from those boys if I were you. One has got you under his spell, and the other plays with fire! I know I'm staying away from boys, probably forever. I might become a nun. Lol!

I'm glad you're doing well. I'm hanging in there as well. I'm painting again, focusing on school, reading a lot, and staying away from social media.

I stopped painting a while ago when I moved out of my mother's house. My dad thought it was a good idea at the time because she clearly couldn't take care of me. But the thing is, I wanted to take care of her. But the more she drank, the more abusive she became, cursing and shouting out insults, and at a certain point, I agreed with my dad and decided to move out.

It wasn't much better at my dad's unfortunately. His fiancé clearly didn't want me there, although she tried to hide it as best as she could (unfortunately, she's not a good actress). I wasn't wanted at home, so I started hanging out with my friends, Jenny and Mathilda, more. That's when I met Christian. He was the quintessential bad boy; bike, messy hair, and tattoos.

I knew my dad would go ballistic if he ever caught me with him, and that made Christian even more appealing to me. At first, it was perfect; we'd go for rides on his bike, we'd grab burgers and eat them in the park, and we'd talk about art. Like me, he was an artist, studying graphic design, and he had a passion for manga comics. He dreamed of becoming the next manga sensation.

It was perfect. I could have never guessed what would happen next.

Until next time,



From: Annabelle Jenkins

To: Calista Summers

Subject: Hi

Dear Calista,

You are driving me insane! No seriously, I'm glad you are sharing your story, and I want you to take as much time as you need to tell it.

I was sad to hear about your mother. Is she better these days?

Christian sounds just like Leo. Leo has 'bad boy' written all over him, but I wouldn't really know because I haven't actually spoken to him. Although, he and I and a few other students are flying to Michigan tomorrow. I've been included in a special assignment to locate a missing girl. Her name is Haley Henderson and she's only eighteen months. : ( She has big brown eyes and pretty dark curls. I really hope we can help!

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