Chapter Thirty-Six

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I was in my Psychic Development class when we were called into the office again. I rushed down the halls, eager to know more about the case. It was all I could think about. I couldn't sleep and could barely eat. I was sure I had lost weight -- the waistband on my dorky plaid skirt felt loose. Between Haley and Leo, I didn't have a single second to have normal relaxing thoughts.

Kendra and Leo were already there when I got to the office. I wondered how many people Leo had crashed into getting here. I smiled at him, and Kendra, too. I checked my watch about fourteen times. Ten minutes later, Ace and Brianna finally graced us with their presence, and Simone called us all into her office.

Simone on was on the phone, and she tore herself away for just a second or two. "I have news about Haley's case. Please sit down."

We tumbled over each other, like dorks in elementary school, like we were playing musical chairs. I almost ended up sitting on Ace's lap -- the horror. Finally when we all settled in our seats, Simone put an end to her conversation. "Yes, I'll be sure to get right back to you, Detective Brice," she said. "They're here now. We won't be long."

She hung up and got right down to business. "They found Haley."

My whole body floated, as light as a feather, but the feeling lasted only a brief few seconds. Simone wasn't thrilled. It wasn't only obvious in her furrowed brow or the straight line of her mouth, I could read her -- she was extremely concerned.

Kendra was in tears. "Is she okay?" she asked, beating me to the punch. "Is she alive? I swear she's alive because I can't feel her spirit."

"She's fine. She's healthy as far as they can tell. Natalie Foster still has her," she told us. "She's at her ex-boyfriend's cabin, just as you guessed, Mr. Estrada," she went on. "Great job, by the way. We wouldn't be here, so close, if it weren't for you."

I was proud of Leo, and I was also confused. If they'd found Haley and Natalie, why hadn't they just taken her from Natalie?

"She saw them coming, and she ran," Simone explained. "She ran from them, up to a cliff nearby."

My heart sank. I could see Haley in her arms, in nothing but a pink sleeper, a baby blanket, cold and crying.

"They called in backup. There's a whole team on the way... hostage negotiators," Simone barreled on, her words much quicker than usual. She was usually so serene and smooth, it was disconcerting to see her like that. "We can't waste time. We need to get going now. I've already called the aviation service and they're ready for us. I also have a car ready to go. Now, I don't need you all, but Mr. Rogers, I will need you."

He nodded obediently, ready to save the day. It made complete sense -- if anyone could talk a person off a cliff, it was Ace.

She turned to me. "And Annabelle," she continued, and my heart lept at the sound of my name. "I thought you might be of great use, too. You could possibly read her, and communicate with Mr. Rogers, and since you're a young woman like her, she might be more open to trust you. There's something about you... you have a trusting, sweet face.

An angel, that's me.

My heart was hammering, and I could barely speak. "Yes... anything to help, Mrs. Adler."

She turned to the others. "I'm afraid, any more people would overwhelm Miss Foster, and you're best to stay back."

I felt a hollow at the pit of my stomach. I really wanted Leo to be there, too. He was the one who found them, after all. It didn't seem fair. He shot me a 'you go, girl' look. He wasn't petty at all. I smiled at him, knowing that he knew I wanted him there. "You'll be great," he whispered.

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