Chapter 1

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Note: There's a mention of suicide at about the end of the chapter. You can skip it if you don't like or not comfortable with it. Stay safe guys.

"Y/N, Can you Get Up and Get Ready for School?" My mom asked from the other side of the door.

  I opened my eyes slightly as I could feel the warm feeling of the ray of sun light hits me. I turn my head to the bedside and saw the time was only 7 Am. College starts like In another 3 hours.

"It's only 7 Am Mom, Leave me be." I groan. And turn to the other side of the bed to scooting myself over in the blankets

"I have a meeting in an hour. Your little Sister is going to school in about 20 minutes from now. Your Brother is also in a sleepover in his Friend's House. So you are the only one that already has a car and a drivers license besides me and your brother. So I am asking you this. PLEASE Get up and PLEASE Get your Little Sis to school. Okay? I promise I'll buy you Chocolates once I got home." My mom was begging me at this point.

   Me being the great daughter I am to her mother I sigh and accepted her request. "Fine, I'll do it." I said. She sigh in a relief. She openimg the door, Hugged me and kissed my forehead a goodbye before leaving  the room and soon it was just me in it.

  I got dressed with a sleeveless white dress, with Blue jeans, covered with a black cardigan that mom gave me for my birthday a year ago. After that, I pack all the stuff that I need in my bag because I knew I would go straight to campus after Getting my Lil sis to school. Hmm~ maybe I would go to the Cafe to fresh up my stamina. Yeah that sounds great!

I walk my way downstairs and see my lil sis is waiting for me like right in front of the car.

I took my Car keys and opened the door for my sis and she get in the car and of course, close the door. Once I get in the driver's seat and start the car and Make my way to my sister's Middle School and waved her goodbye.

I made my way to a nearby Cafe that I loved. I park my Car somewhere besides a tree and made my way to the Cafe.

I open the door and sit down at a nearby chair. And the waiter made their way towards me.

"Hi, Welcome to the Black-White Sweet Cafe. What can I do for you?" she said. Oh it's a girl.

"Can I take 2 Special Donut and a cup of Black coffee?" I asked.

"Sure, it'll take only 15 minutes. I'll be right back." she said and walked back to her place.

I took my laptop from my Bag and put it on the table.

I opened the laptop and start chatting with my old friend in my hometown.


A=Anne B=Ben C=Cecilia D=Dave Y/BF= Your Best Friend. Y/N = You

~Y/N Is Online•~

Oh My! Y/N you finally got Online! If you were here, Today would be so much better.

Couldn't agree more.

Y/BF =
Same here Gurl


Yup.. I agree with the girls.

Aww.. Guys.. I know.. But you already heard my promise before my flight. "When i found a job, and got the money for booking a flight. I'll promise I'll Visit."

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