Chapter 14

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"What? Why?! Why would she.. Even do that? I thought she loves Dad!" I exclaim. Refusing to accept what White just said. "Did she killed herself because she felt guilty?" I asked her. Clearly frustrated and confused.

"I don't really know.. We haven't talked much since she had you," White said while washing the dishes. I just nod. I pull my knees closer to me and hug them tight. "How's work been going?" I heard White once again said, wanting to change the subject.

"Everything was a work-from-home jobs. I just, decided to take a day off," I said. "For how long will that be?" White once again asked. I shrug. "Maybe a month? I mean.. I wanna hang out with Daniel and Sapphire more, so I wouldn't miss anything," I explained. White nod. "That's good, you do need some rest. Don't worry about Brendan okay? He'll talk to you when it's already time," White said. I nod. Of course.

"Imma go get cleaned up, see you later White!" I said before walking excitedly towards my room. If you guys wondering how my room looks like. It looks like this

As soon as I was in the room. I open the closet. Taking a look at all the dresses I have. Wait.. Is this a casual date or a formal date? Can I ask Daniel? Will he even answer the question? I dunno. Hmm.. I don't think it'll hurt to ask Daniel.

Hey Daniel?

Hello Sugar~

Something wrong?

Oh! No no! There's nothing wrong


I read the little letter u wrote
for me

I was just curious, what should I wear?

Ohh! It's about the date,
I thought it was about
something else.

Well, you can wear any simple
clothings you want

As long as it's appropriate
to wear that is!

From what I remember,
I already pick some clothes that
I think suits you best

Ehhh?? Really?
Thanks a bunch Danny!

Ttyl sugar❤️

I put my phone on the bed and search for the clothes that Daniel picked for me. There was 3 sets of clothes that he picked.

There's this one..

This one

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This one...

And this one

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And this one..


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Uhh.. Three of them are good, but I think I'll just pick (The chosen one). It's not something serious. I just think this style suits me more. Hehehe.

"You look good, Y/n. Let's try to have fun with Daniel and forget about this Brendan issue," I told myself in the mirror.

"Geez why am I talking to myself like this? People might think I'm crazy," I laughed before heading towards the living room.

"Hey White," I greeted White. She then looks at me and smile.

"Why hello there, Y/n. You are looking good. How are you feeling?" White asked. I shrug.

"Don't know. I mean.. I am excited for the date and all, but I am a bit confused and.. Ahh nevermind, I need to forget about that for now," I sigh, White just smile while I sat on the couch and she did the same.

"Life sure is tough, hm?" White said out of the blue, and then giving me that suspicious smile. Okay that's new.

I just chuckled nonetheless, "Very," I added.

"Not so very if you ask me," she claims. I tilt my head, turning my head towards her. What does that suppose to mean?

"You have Daniel, a man that has already fallen hard for you," White laughed. I blushed at her statement.

"I- Uhm.. I guess you are right," I bite my lips, still blushing. Does Daniel really love me, That much? Even White accepted the fact that he is.

"Don't think about it that much, Y/n. Don't repeat the same mistake that you mom did. Live a life," White said once again.

"Yeah, you're right.. Hey White?" I called her. She answered with a simple hum.

"How many job do I have again?" I asked her, clueless. She then started wheezing, so hard and began hitting me.

"Sheesh girl! I'm serious here!" I whine.

She's still laughing, it takes like a whole minute for her to calm herself down. "Ahh.. Oh geez, this is new. I think.. You have 8 in total," She said. I widened my eyes in shock. How in the world?

"it's a good thing that you finally realized that you were torturing yourself. Let me guess, do you want to.. Maybe quit?" White guesses.

"I.. 8 jobs aren't necessarily good for my health. Even though I don't get stressed. That's just too much. So I guess I am quitting 7," I chuckle.

White smile at me and gave me a thumbs up. "That's a good start, now you'll have more time with our Angel,"

"One thing I know about your mom," I heard Snow came in. I immediately turn my head towards Snow.

"She was always living in her expectations," She added.

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