Chapter 10

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"Y/n?" Y/bf ask

"Yeah?" i replied

"Could Zach and Tia be a thing?" she asks

"Not in my opinion. Tia already made it clear in Instagram, they are currently focusing on their own careers. Tia being a female YouTuber, And Zach being in a band. So i think there will be no relationship between them anytime soon besides being Best Friends" i explained.

"Oh, Okay" she said.

"You okay?" i asked.

"I'm just bored, a sweet boyfriend would be nice though " she said.

"Eh? Where did A sweet boyfriend came from? " i ask teasingly

"did i just say that out loud? " she asked and covered her mouth.

"No, it's just because my ears are right here like right beside you so i could hear you pretty clearly." i said.

"i don't believe you" she said.

"Then you shouldn't " i replied with a smirk.

"That is so embarrassing" she said. While covering her face with her hands.

"Not in my opinion" i said.

"I'm going to go to sleep, Good night, Sleep tight, Sweet dreams" Y/bf said. And headed towards her room

"Okay, Bye! Sweet dreams!" i said. And headed towards my room. And go to sleep, too lazy to change my Current Clothes.


*Crying* *More Crying*

I woke up to hear Sapphire is crying in the middle of the night. I walk towards her room and see her laying on the floor, did she just fall out of the crib?!

I ran towards her and quickly pick her up and rocking her soothingly/Slowly.

"Momma's here, Momma's here. No need to cry my Sweet Angel. Momma's here to protect you." i said and kissed her nose.

"Wanna swee daddwa" she said.

"You wanna see dadda?" I asked. She nod "Okay" i said. And took my phone from my pocket. And Facetime Daniel.

"Hey Y/n. What's up?" Daniel asked. "It's time" i said and move the phone a little bit just for him to see her clearly.

"Dadda!" Sapphire exclaimed.

"Hey Sweetheart" Daniel said

"I Mwiss you" Sapphire said while hugging me.

"Aww, I miss you too My little Angel, I'll be home before you know it." he said.

"Whewn?" Sapphire asked.

"I'll be home in a short period of time actually. So prepare your self to see Dadda!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Yayy!" Sapphire Yelled in excitement.

"I know, Now You go get some sleep so you wouldn't miss me too much." Dani said.

"Otay" she said.

"Love you my little angel" Daniel said and gives her a blow kiss.

"I Wove you Two Dadda" Sapphire said and gives him a blow kiss to.

I kiss her fore head and put her back in her crib.

And i walk out of the room and close the door.

"So, you aren't kidding when you said she did" Daniel said and chuckle.

"Why would i lie to my own best friend?" i said. And he just laughs

"But You really going back in a short period of time? How about tour?" i asked.

"To be honest with you. The tour has already ended yesterday. So yeah. It was going to be a surprise but seeing Sapphire already miss me too much. I had to let her know some how." he said

"Yeah, Yesterday she cried cause she misses you" i said while giggling.

"Welp. That made me want to go back to L.A, like right now. " Daniel said.

"Heh, Then go home Dani" i said.

"I will be, Just wait for me Babe" he replied.

"Don't babe me. That's weird." i said while giggling.

"Then what should i call you?" Dani asked.

"Hmm.... Y/nn (your nickname) is fine." i said.

"Y/nn it is then. You better go to sleep though. I don't want you to wake up late because of me" he said.

"Yeah, Your right. Goodbye " i said while yawning.

"Goodbye, Goodnight, Sleep tight, Sweet dreams " he replied.

"I love you" i said. "I love you to" he replied

And then we hung up the phone. I walk towards my room and change to my pajamas and go to sleep.


"Momma! Momma! Let's Go to the beach!" i heard Sapphire say while jumping on my bed to wake me up.

"Why so early my Angel?" i said while looking at the time it was still 4 in the morning. How even did she wake up this early?

"i want to watch the sunrise! Can we Momma? Can we? Can we?!" she yelled in excitement. I sigh. "Fine, I'll be downstairs in a minute." i said and she nod. And headed downstairs.

I walk towards my closet and wear the clothes that i buy a year ago. And walk downstairs to see Sapphire is Eating breakfast with Y/bf.

"You ready Angel?" i asked. She nod. "Can Aunt Y/bf come to?" she asks. I nod. And she run to the front door and go to my car.

"Breakfast for Momma Y/n" Y/bf smiled as she gave me my breakfast. "Your daughter made this. And not me" she said and walk towards the front door. And so did i.

Sapphire was already waiting at the backseat. Y/bf sat on the passengers seat while I'm sitting on the driver's seat . cause I'm obviously driving.

I drive my way to the beach and park the car somewhere near the beach.

We all walk out of the car and walk our way to the beach. Sapphire immediately sat on the sand and make a sandcastle. I was going to join but i heard my name being called.

"Y/n!" i heard a voice calling my name. So i look back, it's Tia.

"Hey, Tia. What are you doing here?" i asked.

"Well, Every 4 in the morning i always go here. You know that i like sunrises Y/n" Tia said. "Oh, Right i forgot. Sorry" i apologize. "Ah, No need to apologize. We haven't seen each other for years. So it's alright" she said. I nod.

"So, What are you doing here?" She asked. "My Daughter wants to see the sunrise to actually." i said. "Daughter?" She asks. I nod. "Where is the dad? And why i haven't seen you pregnant?!" She exclaimed.

"My dad is On tour!" Sapphire exclaimed

"Yeah, it's a long story." Y/bf said.

"We got plenty of time. Tell me" Tia said.

"Okay, i guess" i said. And after telling her the whole story.

"Oh.. I'm sorry for her lost" Tia Apologize.

"It's fine. But i don't know how to tell her this later in the future " i said while looking down.

"Don't worry we'll help you" Tia said.

"Yeah. We will." Y/bf said.

"Momma! Momma! The sun is rising!" Sapphire exclaimed

And the we all look at the sunrise.

"That is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen" i said.

"Not as beautiful as my Angel though. " i heard a mans voice. Is that..

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