Chapter 4

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.Previously On I Met You In A Special Way.

And then we sat at the couch. "Okay, so what do you want to talk about?" Brendan Asked.

"Well. Before Mom died, She gave me a letter. And she said to open it when i feel ready to open it. And then when i turned 17. I feel like i am ready to open it well, you know since mom died. Maybe the letter have something important inside it. And when i open it, it says that i got a house, specifically We got a house. So i check it. And it was true. We literally got a Mansion. We got a Mansion that has 5 floors. I was going to tell you sooner but, you guys were too busy to hear me telling you guys this. And well, what can i say. Today is the only time that you guys are not busy and be able to surprise me with my favorite Men-Band. And Please if you got questions. Ask me later tomorrow okay? It's already 6 pm and i have to make Dinner for all 3 of us. " i said.

"Okay.. I'll see you later at dinner then." They said. I nodded and head to the kitchen.

I made fried chicken and Fried Eggs, For dinner. It was what was all left. I have to go to the groceries store tomorrow morning then.

I checked at the time it was 7pm. Well, Dinner time is in an hour. I better call white.

"*Buzz* *Buzz* Hello?" That is White's Voice.

"Hey, White. How are you?" i asked and sat on the counter.

"I'm Good." she said.

"How's My Baby? " i asked.

"She's good. Right now she's taking a nap. She looks tired tho *chuckle* Anna, And Dave kept Sappy busy while she was awake." she said.

"Oh, They did? Well that a good news to hear." i said with a giggle at the end.

"Did you tell them?" White asked.

"About what?" i asked.

"About the house" she replied.

"Oh, Yes. I did. And they actually listened to me." i said.

"Well, that's a relief. Your siblings usually too busy to listen to anything you said." she said.

"Yeah. But, that is okay sometimes. They are just doing their jobs and stuff. And they did that for the family. For us. For me" i said.

"Yeah. Your Attitude is just like your loving mother " she said.

"Thanks White. So what's for dinner for you guys?" i asked.

"Well, i made salad for everyone except for the little one, since they said they're on a diet" she chuckle.

"What? They are? Since when?" i asked.

"Since today" she said.

"When will they stop?" i asked.

"In 6 days." she replied.

"Oh. So they're staying here for a week?" i asked

"Probably" she said.


"Well, it's already dinner time. So you should probably go eat dinner." she said.

"Yeah.. You should to. Please say hi to little sappy for me." i said.

"Will do sweetheart. See you later!" she said and hangs up.

And then right After she hangs up Brendan came in and so is Clara and they sat on the chair.

"Good evening Clara. And Brendan." i greeted them.

I Met You In A Special Way  {Daniel Seavey X Reader.} Where stories live. Discover now