Chapter 7

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"That was delicious.. " Cecilia said.

"Thanks.. Don't forget to give the half of the credit to Daniel to. He help me a lot today.." i said.

"Thanks Daniel.." Everyone said.

"No problem.. But i still can't eat the food, my hand is still hurts" Daniel complaints.

"Fine, I'll give you the food." i said

"Thanks!" he said. I grab a spoon of the food and give it to Daniel's Open mouth. He slowly eats it, and i took a second spoon and do the same thing but this time i saw a flash. Seriously? Oh My Goodness. Did they just? I'll just delete it later on their phone.. I could always hack them.


"Well, Tonight was Amazing.. " Daniel Said.

"Yeah, Couldn't Agree More." i said.

"Well, i have to go home now.. It's already midnight.. " Daniel said.

"Yeah, Again Thank you for driving me home.. Even though i could go home by myself." i said

"Nonsense.. If i didn't drive you home i think i wouldn't have had an Amazing Night like this" he said taking my hand. We were at the rooftop. Watching​ the night sky and the stars. And he was holding my hand.

"Heh yeah, couldn't agree more." i replied. I was facing his face, it was gorgeous. And he did the same thing look at my face. We lean closer and closer, and finnaly he broke the space between us. I felt like i was in Paradise excitement, i felt like I'm dancing in a song that i like. Or maybe specifically i felt sparks, butterflies.

We kissed each other like for 2 whole minutes. It was kinda amazing 2 minutes.

"You should go know.. The boys would be worry about you, if you don't come home know.." i said.

"Yeah.. I'll text you later today?" he asked. I looked at the time and it was 2 in the morning. "Sure Dani" i replied.

"C'mon I'll walked you outside. " i said, he nodded. And took my hand, i just giggle. And then i walked him outside to his cars. But before he go into the car.

"Are we a thing?" he asked.

"I don't know, but if we are going to. Can we wait? You know since you have a band and Stuff. It's the best for us to wait, i don't want you to get haters and not focused to you current career because of me.. I'm sorry Daniel. But can we just be friends?" i asked. "I am surely understand for your decision. Just know that I'll be here or there to help you..." he said. I nodded.

"Time for you to go.. It's already late.." i said, he nodded. And leaves..

I walked towards the house.. And heard that Sapphire is crying upstairs in her room

I quickly ran upstairs and go to her room. And pick her up, then Start rocking her a little.

"Shh.. Momma is here.. Momma's here Baby girl.. No need to waste your tears on something Not important.." I Rocked her.. and she finally calmed down..

I think I'm just going to stay here for amount of time. I took my old Album. And saw my old times with my brother, My sister, And My parents.

I remembered the Photo that Snow gave me. I quickly got it out from my pocket and got to the Last page and put the Photo there. I miss my mom so much, And My Uncle and Aunt. Even though I haven't seen them. I still miss them, love them.

I grabbed my Camera from my room and place it on a shelf and I put it on timer. And set the timer on. I picked Sapphire up from her Crib and *Click* and rocked her a little just for her to fall asleep again. Can wait for her to turn 18 just like me. Wait does that mean, I am only 18 Older than Sapphire? Well, That's just awesome.

Well, I think I just fell asleep after putting the camera back to my bedroom and put Sapphire back in her crib. And well at least I think I did. Did l?


I wake up in my Room. And I could smell something delicious from downstairs. I checked at the time and it was still 4 in the morning, who would make breakfast so early?

And then I walk downstairs to see Cecilia, Anna, And Y/bf is awake somehow. And Cecilia is Baking Cupcakes. Well, She loves Baking so that explains ¼ of it. But still why would she be baking This early?

"Good Morning Y/n!" Everyone exclaimed. I replied with a smile.

"So, Why are you up so early?" I asked, while yawning.

"We always Get up this early Y/n. It's just This time we Are Baking Cupcakes while Days ago we didn't." Y/bf said.

"We? Really? It's looks like it's only Cecilia is Baking the Cupcakes." I said.

"Y/n Bestie. We're taking turns. Cecilia is the first, I am Second and Y/bf would be last." Anna explained.

"Well, it looks like Cecilia is making Cupcakes. What about you two?" I asked.

"I am Baking Cookies." Anna said.

"And I am going to Bake a Red Velvet. " Y/bf said.

"Ooh.. that sounds delicious I can't wait to taste it." I said while giggling.

"Do you want to join?" Cecilia asked while taking out the Cupcakes out of the Oven.

"Sure why not?" I asked. I am thinking maybe I could make a Vanilla and Chocolate cake. The top would be Vanilla and the Bottom would be Chocolate.

"So, What are you going to Bake?" Y/bf ask.

"Maybe, It's a surprise." I said.

"I should kept it a secret to" Anna said. "I agree" Y/bf.

"Well, The Cupcakes is Ready to Eat now Anna's Turn!" Cecilia said while putting the Cupcakes in the refrigerator.

"So what are you guys going to do?" I asked them.

"Well, Ben Asked Anna on a date, so why don't me and you go for a shopping spree?" Y/bf offers. I giggled and nod. When Anna just blush when Y/bf said that Ben asked her on the date part.


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