Chapter 11

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"Not as beautiful as my Angel though. " i heard a mans voice. Is that Daniel? I look back and so did everyone else.

Daniel open his arms so Sapphire could hug him and Sapphire ran into Daniel's Arm.

"Be careful. Don't run too fast Darling. " i said.

Daniel's POV

It's like 3 in the morning when we landed in L.A.

I didn't tell Y/n where was i when she called me. Cause I'm in the airplane. And I'm sure the airplane doesn't allow me to call someone in the plane. But i did. Sorry.

When we landed i saw Tia was waiting, she was reading a book. Of course, Zach immediately ran to her and hug her. She was shocked for a moment. And hugged Zach Back. Me and the other's join the hug. And then we break the hug

"how was the tour boys?" Tia asked.

"It was nice. All the limelights in Europe was Nice" Corbyn said.

"Good to know. Let's go to the beach before i drive you guys home." Tia said. And we all nod. Cause, we already know she loves to watch the sunrise and the sun set.

We headed towards Tia's Car and Get in the car.

Zach was In the passengers seat. Jonah and Corbyn in the middle. While me and Jack at the back.

When we were at the beach we saw a car already parked there first. It's Familiar, wait. Ohh it's Y/n's Car! She must be here somewhere, let's just surprise her!

We all walk out of the car and i saw woman's and a child, standing there and talking.

"You guys go Buy some breakfast for yourselves." Tia said. And we nod. And we walk to In 'n Out.


And we came back and saw the sunrise. It was beautiful. And we walk towards the beach to see it clearly.

"That is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen" i heard Y/n say.

"Not as beautiful as my Angel though. " i said. And all the girls look back and i got my height as the same as Sapphire and open my arms.

"Be careful. Don't run too fast Darling. " Y/n said. But Sapphire didn't listen so she just continued running towards my way and hug me, and i hug her back.

"I mwiss you" She said.

"I miss you to My little Angel." and i pick her up and stand up.

"Uncle Jonah!" Sapphire exclaimed, and crossing her arms at him.

"Hey Angel" Jonah said and picked Sapphire from my arms. And the boys talked to her. And then Tia and Y/bf join in.

I walk towards Y/n's way.

"Hey Babe" i said to her.

"Daniel, stop it. I don't like being called babe" she said in annoyed voice.

"But, i like it" i replied.

"And i clearly don't. So shut up." she replied.

You can do it Daniel. Be brave.

"Y/n?" i asked, trying to be serious.

"Yeah?" she replied

"I was wondering. If you maybe, U-uh Go on a Date with me?" i asked.

"A hangout date or a Dinner date?" she ask.

"A Dinner date." i said. And she blushes. Cute.

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