Chapter 13

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She finally fall asleep. I lay her on her bed and kissed her forehead. "It'll​ be just fine. You have me. I am sorry, he didn't tell you. And I'll be here to comfort you." I said and lay there next to her and hug her.

"I love you" I said


I woke up still seeing my beautiful Girlfriend sleeping beside me but looking the other way. I check at the time and it was like 7pm. Maybe I should leave a letter just for her to know that I'm Gone.

'Dear my beautiful Girlfriend Y/n.

Just so you know that I am at home and you can call me if you needed me. I love you so much. And I'll be picking you up today at 7pm okay?

Love Daniel


.#the next day#.

Y/n's POV

I wake up by my alarm. I groaned a little bit and turn off the Alarm.

And then there was a letter under the Alarm. I read it, oh it was Daniel. So I guess we have a little date later tonight.

I spray my perfume all over my shirt, cause I'll probably Take a shower later when Daniel is going to pick me up.

I walk downstairs and see Y/bf and the guys are eating breakfast. And then Sapphire ran towards me and say "Good Morning Mommy" she said and hugging my bottom knees with her small hands.

"Good Morning to you too my Angel. Did you finish your breakfast yet?" I asked her. She nodded. "That is Good. Now.. what do you want to do?" I asked her. "Well, Dwawing is fist (a little baby language) I'm swimming after thwat. And take a naph" she explained. "Ooh.. that sounds fun." I said and stroke her hair. "Can momma Join us?" she asked.

"Oh I'm sorry honey. Momma can't join. Momma has a lot of stuff that she needs to do. You'll hangout with her later tommorow okay?" Y/bf said and pick Sapphire up, I guess Daniel told her about the Date? "Otay.. See you later Momma!" Sapphire exclaimed and then Y/bf put her down and then Sapphire start to run towards her room to draw there.

"Snow.. can you do me a favor?" I asked snow who was sitting on the couch reading some poetry book. "Sure thing Y/n. What do you want me to do?" she asked. "Can you go to Brendan's Apartment and Grab anything that is in my room?" I asked her. She just nod and headed towards the car. Then I walk towards the nearest chair and sat there. Speechless, replaying the things that happened Yesterday, the things I said, is it my fault though? I clearly don't think so. Is it my fault if I felt betrayed by Brendan for this? No, of course not!

"Something's bugging your mind sweetheart?" white asked from the kitchen. "Y-yeah" I stuttered. "You wanna talk about it?" she asked while wiping the kitchen counter.

"I don't t- Ye- Mayb- I clearly don't know" I said. "You got a fight with Brendan didn't you?" White guessed. "H-"

"This happens to your mother to Y/n" White said.

"What? How come you never told me this?" I asked. "We didn't think history would repeat itself, but clearly.. It did," White sigh in disappointment.

"So mom really did get through all of that alone, didn't she?" I whispered to myself. White shake her head. "Your mom was never alone. She had your father at that time y'know.. They were a Great couple at that time. You wanna know something?" she said. I look at her, as a yes.

"I heard that your father, still love your mother more than his new wife," she whispered to my ears. My eyes widened.

"Then why did my father divorce my mother?" I asked, trying to keep my cool. "Your mother was the one who divorced him, not the other way around," White explained once again.

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