Chapter 15

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  All I could do was just stared at the lifeless TV that was in front of me when I heard Snow's statement.

  “I can't say that you're wrong, but still. That's a little harsh,” White said to Snow.

  “It is what it is White, We can't just let Y/n did what her mom did right? I mean yeah, it's her life and all. Still, do you really want this miserable history to loop for 3 generations straight?” Snow bluntly said.

  “Snow, please not now,” White sighed.

  “She's 20--! Okay fine, I'm sorry,” Snow claims before going back to the previous activity that she was doing. White then sighs in relief and rub my back.

  “Like I said, don't think about it too much. Okay? Just enjoy this date of yours and have some fun,” White said, trying to comfort me.

(I don't know any other word than 'said'. Help😣)

  I smiled at her, wiping my eyes with my hands. “I'm okay White, don't worry.. She was just telling the truth,” I smiled. She looks at me worriedly before looking away.

  “Still, she shouldn't have said something so harsh,” White muttered, loud enough for me to hear. I smile to reassure her that I am fine.

  Not long after, I heard someone knock from the front door. I check the time, it was 7:00pm. I smile once again. “That must be, Daniel,” I thought to myself.

  “Y/n! Your lover boy is already here!” Snow yelled from the front door, I guess the already answered the door for me.

  “I'll be there in a second!” I exclaim, I quickly grab my bag that contains all of my stuff. Maybe not really all of my stuff. Nonetheless yeah, it is my stuff.

  When I walk there, I saw Snow and Daniel was talking. As soon as I walk in the area, they immediately notice me and smiles.

  “I'll leave you two be,” Snow mentioned before going towards her room. I nodded before I smiled warmly at Daniel.

  “Ready to go?” Daniel asked as he offered me his hand. I nodded and then accepted his hand for me to hold.

  Both of me and Daniel walk together towards His car in silence. It was a comfortable silence nonetheless. Nothing to be awkward about.

  And after about like, an hour or so. Now we were at a hill. It was a quite familiar place, but I couldn't quite tell. There was also an empty picnic place.

  “I knew you didn't like fancy things and stuff. So I thought, we could do a stargazing here. To ease your mind off a bit,” Daniel spoke as he offered me his hands once again. I just smile at my surroundings in awe. Daniel knew me too well. And I of course accepted his offer.

  We then walked together towards the picnic place I just mentioned earlier. Then the both of us sat there together.

  “Are you cold perhaps?” Daniel asked. I turn my head towards him and shook my head as a no.

  “Not really, I love this cold-feeling,” I admitted. Daniel just hums  and then warp one of his hand around my shoulder.

  “It's sad seeing you in such an uneasy state. I want to help a my girlfriend with everything I can. You know that right?” Daniel said in a soft tone.

  I nodded and then lean my head on to his shoulder, “I know Daniel.. Thank you for always being here for me,” I admitted as I close my eyes.

  “Anytime Sweetheart. Do you maybe wanna talk about it?” Daniel asked. I shrug, but I did told him all the discoveries that I found today.

  “I don't know, I mean, it's just weird how White and Snow described Mom as a bad person.. I'm just confused, you know?” I blurted. Daniel just chuckle and stroke my head.

  “Hey! I'm serious here!” I pouted at him.

  “Oh yeah, of course you are babe. It's just that, have you heard about people change quote? Maybe you mother was a bad person in the past,” Daniel stated.

  “Then why did Snow claim that mom 'always live in her expectations'?” I wondered once again.

  “Hmmm, you know I'm not really good at this, but in my opinion. Snow and White was a part of your mom's past right? And come to think of it, Snow and White was never really with your family after they had you. So they never really know what happened with your mom after that divorce,” Daniel explained. Wait a minute..

  “So you're saying that, maybe mom did change without them knowing. Making them think that it was just a looping history?” I asked Daniel.

  He just shrug. “Again, That's just my opinion,” he stated. I nodded.

  “I wanna get this stuff straight-- wait.. Why are we even talking about mom? This is a Brendan Issue,” I realize. Daniel just laugh and then messed my hair.

  “Hey! I'm hair!” I pouted, before end up smiling.

  “That's more like it,” Daniel claims before grinning. I just giggled and hug him. After about 5 minutes of hugging in silence, Daniel finally said something.

  “You still love Brendan, don't you?” Daniel asked out of the blue.

  “Of- Of course I do,” I muttered.

  “Then that should be enough for you to forgive him,” Daniel claims. I just responded with a hum.

  “Daniel?” I spoke. Daniel just responded with a simple hum.

  “Thank you for everything, I love you,” I said to him. He smiles.

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” Daniel said and kissed my forehead.

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