Chapter 6

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"So what's up?" i asked.


"What is Wrong Dani?" i asked.

"Is she your Child?" he asked.

"Yeah, Why is that?" i answered.

"Who is your Husband? " he asked.

"She is not literally my Daughter. I am just the one that is responsible about Her. You know the one that raises her" i said. "What?" he asked.


"Oh, i see. I didn't know that. I thought you were her real mother. And sorry for her mother, i didn't know that could happened. And last." he said then take his Phone and gave it to me. "Switch Number?" he asked. I just smiled and nodded and gave him my phone. I put my Number in his phone and he did the same thing, we gave it back our phones. And i checked the time, it was 3pm. And then i checked my Email, and saw my sister just gave me her 30 minutes Videos with her friends. Well, this have to be uploaded in Two hours. TWO HOURS?! Oh my i don't have much time.. I need to Edit this, i can't go home now. It's too far.

"Daniel!" i shouted. "What?" he replied. "Do you have a Laptop?!" i asked. "I do, but it's back home" he said. "Is it far?!" i asked. "No, it's not that far" he said. "We need to go!" i shouted. "Okay.." he said and we called the boys.


"Here is the laptop." he said, and put it on the kitchen counter, and i sat in front of it. I nodded. And plugged the Flash disk to the Laptop. I could see that Daniel seem curious and sat beside me. I just ignore him. And then i play the video. "HEY WOLFIES-" and then i paused it. I looked at him, and he gave me a understanding look and go to one of the rooms. And came back with a pair of 2 Headphones and gave one for me and one for him. I plugged it in and he did the same.

"Don't say that i don't warn you Dani" i said smirking. He just looking at the screen.

And then i played it again.


<~•°*#2 Hours#*°•~>

Finnaly it's done.

"You got Amazing Editing skills!" Daniel said while clapping.

"Thanks" I said and Upload the Video on YouTube.

"Why Don't We Watch a Movie?" Daniel asked.

"Daniel Seavey, are you asking me out?" I asked smirking.

"Yes- I mean, No- I mean, Sure- Wait what? No no no-" he replied Panicking and I cut him.

"I'm only joking Daniel, Sure. We could watch a movie together" I said accepting the request. He looked relief.

I closed the Laptop and put the headphone on top of the laptop, and he did the same. Everyone is in the backyard doing something to Sapphire, My poor little baby.

"So, What do you want to watch?" Daniel asks.

"How about Bedtime stories?" I asked and take out the DVD in my Bag

"Sure.." he said. And put the DVD in.


I felt warmth, I could see that the TV is Off and a hand is on top of my Stomach. *CLICK* I could see that Corbyn is Holding his phone, taking a picture of us sleeping? I look at right beside me and see Daniel has held me closer to his Body. We were cuddling?!

"Where is Sapphire?" I asked. Immediately when I remembered her.

"She is Sleeping. She was tired of the Love that we gave her" Jack answered.

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