Chapter 16

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  After that day, my life has been better. No stress from work (Not that I'm having problems with work), Me and Sapphire now has been hanging out for almost everyday, I began to accept Brendan's life decisions, and yeah like I said. My life has been better.

  It has been a few months from that spesific day, and unfortunately me and Daniel haven't been hanging out due to this covid thing. I mean, I knew it was for the best. And after knowing that Jonah did have covid-19 for a few weeks or even months, but what's important that he is already negative now. It even makes me a bit overly cautious about my surroundings.

  Sapphire would sometimes beg me to accompany her to a nearby park, which I did. Me being the (overly cautious) woman though, makes my eyes 5x more sharp to see small details than my normal eyes. (A/n: I don't know if that's true, but I'm still gonna put that there-) And in the end, Sapphire wouldn't even want me to accompany her. Oof-

  Daniel would sometimes call me one so often, when he wasn't busy writing and doing his stuff in the studio that is located in his house. It has already passed the long break, so Daniel is already free to post anything in his social media.

  This Covid changed our lives a lot, and I hope it is for the better. Daniel also did lost one of his best of friends in life. And I am very proud of him that even though all the bitter things that has been happening in his life. He could still put that smile on his face.

Oh yeah, I suppose I haven't told you what's my profession now. Well, it is something that I enjoy. I am now a full-time streamer. Yeah, I literally quit all the things I have been doing and then start a new one.

  Sapphire seem to love me being a full-time Twitch streamer too. My fans has been incredibly nice to her, so she loves interacting with them. She will literally read the comments one by one, out loud. Yeah, it's also nice that she began to learn how to read and talk faster.

  Oh yeah, and have I mention? I send Snow and White back to their hometowns. I know they always wanted to go back to reunite with their family and friends. I don't mind, i mean.. They have a life too, right? I can't just keep them with me, while they wanted to set free. I kinda have a feeling, that they were here just to pay their debts to mother. I know for a fact that mother did took care of the without thinking about anything in return.

  “Mama?” I heard Sapphire called.

  I was just watching the TV, so I replied with. “Yes sweetheart?”

  “I want cakes!” she exclaims.

  I blink for a minute before turning off the TV and walk towards the kitchen and check the cabinets. “What flavor, honey?” I asked her.

  “F/F! (favorite flavor)” she said. I look around the cabinet, making sure all the ingredients were there. And yes they were.

  “Okay, we have all of the ingredients. Do you want to help me, Honey?” I asked her. I heard someone running down the stairs very fast, I'll take that as a yes.

  “Yes!” She screamed as she runs down the stairs. Told ya. I nodded and then put all the ingredients and all the things that we need to make the cake on the kitchen counter.

  The both of me and sapphire then make the cake step by step. Making it extra careful just so the dough doesn't splatter out everywhere like last time we make a cake.

  “You still remember our deal, right?” I ask Sapphire as I put the well mixed dough in the oven.

  “To drink 3 glass of water after eating sweets! Got it!” she exclaims. I giggles and pat her head as a good job.

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