Close Call

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Josh made me cum multiple times that night. Our bodies were in sync and the lust was palpable. I was wide awake as Josh snored quietly beside me, his naked torso gleaming in the moonlight, his curls laid over his closed eyes. I felt the urge to talk to Sam so I got up quietly and got my phone to text him, he was likely asleep but it was worth a shot.

Kaz 🌻✌🏻
Hey, Sammy Lamby, I miss you, just wondering if you were still awake.

Clav King 🎹
The King never sleeps, what's up, want to meet me on the pool deck outside?

I agreed and I quietly slipped on my shorts, Birkenstock's and an ancient Greta tee shirt from high school, it even had the old font, it was well loved and well worn. I threw my hair up as I stood in the elevator, before the doors closed completely they opened again. Sammy was standing there, his slender tall frame standing in front of me. "Got an extra hair tie?" Sammy said with a sly smile and I handed him one. He was wearing his favorite blue short shorts and a Chicago Music Exchange tee. He put his hair in a messy bun and turned to me. I hugged him, which took him by surprise. He smelled like sex, I'm sure I did too. It made me miss him and feel very sad all at once. He wrapped his arms around me as the elevator came to a stop. We walked out quietly to the deck, hand in hand.
"I've missed you, little one." "I've missed you too, Sam. Sorry shit got out of hand." The moon reflected on the pool water, giving it a silver glow. "How's Brooklyn?" I tried to say without sounding sarcastic. "How's my brother?" His tone very sarcastic, I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, he's good, I did that thing that you like, reverse cowgirl, is it?" I joked. Sam shoved my arm while laughing. "Disgusting... but you're right, I did like that. Brooklyn's good, she really likes you. I hope you can be friends one day." I nodded, closing my eyes for a second, sucking up my pride. "Me too, Sammy, I mean it. If she's important to you then I'll love her no matter what." Sam pushed my hair behind me ear and kissed my cheek. I turned to him and he kissed me again, this time on my lips. It was only for a moment but we both pulled back, apologizing to each other. We brushed it off and started talking to avoid the awkwardness of what just happened. We talked for several hours about what was to come, about the possibility of moving to LA and what our goals were for the coming years. Daylight started to break as we laid on the deck chairs, watching the Sun rise over the hills. We parted ways to go try to get some rest before our planned afternoon hike.
I climbed into bed and snuggled up to Josh. "Where have you been, crazy kid?" Josh said to me in a sleepy voice. "Just catching up with Sam, neither of us could sleep." Josh nodded and fell back to sleep almost instantly. I drifted in and out of sleep, feeling unsure of what my plans and goals were. I've been so wrapped up in the bands life that I forgot for a moment that I had my own goals. I loved working with the boys but is that something I could sustain forever? Josh is my boyfriend now but what if it doesn't last? Maybe I would move to LA and try to do photo journalism here. Maybe someone would hire me full time. I finally lulled myself to sleep with the idea that I would job search in a couple of days, my portfolio was ready to go, I had no reason not to.
     I woke up late, it felt hot in the room, despite the air conditioning. I stood up and looked around, Josh wasn't there. I jumped in the shower and rinsed off. I washed my hair, trying to get the smell of plane and sex off of me. I got out and wrapped a towel around my hair but decided to air dry a bit. I turned on one of my favorite Spotify playlists, 70's Road Trip and danced around, gathering my things to prepare for the day. The door opened and I jumped back, expecting to see Josh, it was Jake and he was staring with his jaw slacked. "Jacob! Turn around!" I yelled with my hands covering myself. I ripped the towel off of my head and wrapped it around my body. "You act like you've never seen a naked woman before, Jesus, ya virgin." Jake laughed, his cheeks were red. "Josh is going to kill me, we thought you were still asleep, Josh gave me the key to come check on you." Jake said through laughs, avoiding eye contact with me. "Well I'm awake!" "Well, when you're... uh dressed, come down. We'll leave in like 30 minutes."
     We spent the rest of the day hiking in the Hollywood hills. Jake kept cracking jokes about seeing me naked which was getting Josh angry, it was cute. Danny made a joke about not seeing me naked and feeling left out and Mackenzie punched his arm. He avoided saying anything about walking in on Sam and I that one time, like a gentleman, or to avoid drama. Brooklyn looked at Sam with a questionable look when Danny made the joke "Don't worry it was a long time ago." I lied when I saw that Sammy was at a loss for words. "Yeah, ages. Whoa! look at that cloud!" Sammy said, trying to change the subject. I jumped on Sam's back and he hitched me up and started running down a hill with me. I held up my arm, pretending to hold a sword, like I was leading an army to battle. "Close one." I said to Sam when we were out of earshot "Yeah, Brooklyn might be the jealous type..."

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