Let the Sunshine In

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The days following in SoCal were hectic. The boys had various shows and I was playing catch-up with the content. They posted a bit without me but I wanted to get the reins back in my hands. Brooklyn was hanging around daily and she was beginning to get on my nerves. I had a job to do and it felt like I had a puppy following me around. I wanted to like her so badly but she was more annoying to me at this stage. Sammy was hanging all over her and they were constantly kissing and whispering to each other, this didn't help my annoyance either. Despite my jealousy, Josh and I were actually moving forward from the debacle that was Greece. He seemed to really miss me which was more than nice, I loved it.
The boys had a day off and used that time differently. All Josh wanted to do was go to the beach and drink martinis. I wanted to go with him but I had editing to do and I needed to finish the collecting of content from the last 4 weeks. Josh dramatically sighed from the bed as he sat completely naked, trying to get my attention. I sat at a desk and turned the chair around to see what he was huffing about. "Joshua, put on some clothes, you're very distracting." Josh crossed his legs and looked at me with a serious face. "You could just come with me to the beach and I wouldn't bother you so much!" Josh replied sassily. "Plus I don't want to be alone with Jake, he doesn't look as good in a bikini. Please! Just for an hour and then I'll let you come back to work!" "Jake looks hot in a bikini, don't fight me on that either." I sighed and begrudgingly gave in. "Fine, I'll meet you there in 15 minutes, let me just finish this one photo. And please put something on, I can't stare at your balls anymore." Josh jumped up and placed a kiss on my lips. "You love my balls and I love you, see you shortly!" Josh pretended to run to the door without putting clothes on and came back to get changed for the beach.
     I walked up to the blankets and umbrella that had already been set out for the small group. I had a black bandeau bikini top on and high waisted shorts over my black bottoms. I took off my Tevas and sat down on the blanket. Jake was sleeping in the shade of the umbrella and Josh was nowhere to be seen. I could see Danny, Sammy, Kenz and Brooklyn out in the water, splashing around. I got stuck staring at them when Josh walked up, scaring me a little. "Sunshine! I got you a drink!" Josh sauntered over and handed me a margarita while sipping on his own martini. "Thanks love!" Jake opened one eye and flipped off his twin. "I was sleeping assholes." He said in a raspy voice. "Well now that you're up, I can take a photo for Insta. That way I won't feel terrible about not doing work." I took a photo of them facing the sea with the sun brightly shining above them with a caption that read 'Sunshine's brighter from above.' Only minutes later there were hundreds of comments about how Josh's nickname for me is Sunshine. I rolled my eyes, how do they figure these things out?
    It had been several hours, we read and sunbathed and enjoyed each other's company. Josh handed me another drink, I was already feeling tipsy which made me wonder if he was doing this on purpose to keep me from going back. "Joshua, I've got to work, you're getting me drunk on purpose." I demanded "I'm not, gorgeous, just try to enjoy the time while you can." Josh was so easy breezy in this moment, he was the most relaxed I'd seen him in a while, it made me want to stay here with him forever. I took the drink from his hand and leaned back onto my elbow. I pulled my sunglasses off to look out. Everyone was out doing their own thing on the beach, Sammy, Danny and their girls were playing volleyball and Jake was over at someone else's towel, flirting with a woman who looked to be at least 10 years older than him. "You're brother is relentless, look at him flirting with that woman, she probably has children." Josh laughed and leaned over to kiss me. "You look so beautiful, do you know that?" "Aww thanks, Joshy, you're beautiful too." I ran my hand through his curls and tugged at the back. "Don't start that or else you'll get in a lot of trouble." Josh growled at me. I pulled him into a kiss and let out a moan on his lips. "Are you trying to ruin my life?" He said, jokingly. In one swift movement he scooped me up into his arms and started running to the water. "Josh! Put me down!" I yelled through my laugher. He waded out until he was waist deep and dropped me into the water.
     I came up, feeling like a soggy rat, blinking the salt water out of my eyes. I jumped on him and tried to bring him down, I only ended up hanging off of his front like a monkey. He wrapped his arms around me as I laughed, struggling to get free. Josh stopped laughing and looked at me with his big brown eyes. "I love you more than anything, you know?" "I love you, too, Joshua." He kissed me softly and then dunked me in the water again.

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