Painful Realization

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        .:Kaoru's PoV:.

      It  was painful. Pure hatred flared in my amber eyes as I watched them. They can smile like nothing, like they don't see what happening to me right now. "Kaoru. Stop glaring." Kyoya orders from behind me. I sigh quietly and closed my eyes. "Sorry senpai."

        Kyoya-senpai is the only one who knows what's really going on with me, because... well, he's Kyoya. "It's alright, but Kaoru." I open one of my eyes and look at him through the corner of my eye, motioning him to go on. "Kaoru, you should just tell him. It'll get worse if you don't. " I nod and look over to my brother across the room. 

        He had Haruhi in the pose he usually puts me in and was only a couple inches away from her face. Tono was in the background shouting things how his precious Haruhi was stolen by a devil and stuff like that. I rolled my eyes and I grabbed my bag from under the short table and lazily slung it over my shoulder. "Um, excuse me. I-I have an appointment with you." I looked to where the small voice was and a short girl there stood in front of me. She had short black hair that was slightly curled with a cute little bow and big blue eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. Please take a seat my dear." I dropped my bag back under the table and sat in front of the girl. I poured her and myself some tea and she gladly accepted it. "My name is Katura Sumone." She said quietly. I smiled at her and held out my hand. She took it and I kissed the back of her pale hand. "Kaoru Hitachiin." I said smoothly with a smirk plastered on my face. Her face heats up and I pull away slowly. 

        We engaged in a small conversation and talked about our likes and shiz. I was starting to like this girl a bit, not romantic like but she does remind me of a little sister. "You know Kaoru, you remi-" She was rudely cut off by someone who fell beside me and started attacking me in a cuddling embrace. "Kaoru! How's my baby brother been?" Hikaru hugs my head his his chest, good thing too so he couldn't see my blush. I pushed him away lightly and gasped for air. "Don't... do... that." I panted. Katura giggles from across of the whole feed and I blush more.

"Oh Kaoru, who's this lovely lady." I walk up behind her and hold her hand up. "This is Katura Sumone." She smiles at my twin and he greets her. "Oh, sorry Katura. What was it you were going to say?" She hums and puts a finger on her chin. "Hm, I forgot. But I'll tell you once I remember." She says sheepishly. 

        I nod and she packs her things. "I better get going, see you tomorrow Kaoru. Hikaru." She runs out the club room, and the other guests do the same. "Nice job men, we made another successful day!" Tamaki-senpai exclaims. I was about to high-five Hikaru like we always do, but before I could even lift my arm, he ran to Haruhi's side. I watched with no expression and he mocks Tono and does embarrassing things to Haruhi. I growled in frustration as I grabbed my bag and walked out the room. I bet he didn't even notice me leaving. It's always Haruhi this and Haruhi that, even at home he won't shut the hell up about that pathetic girl. 

        I clutched my  fist as I called my driver. "Don't pick me up today, just Hikaru. I'll be walking home today." I say into the line. "Of course master." He replies and I shut my phone, ending the call. I shove the orange device in my front pocket and my fist clench. Tears pricked my eyes and I refused to let them fall. I ran into the nearest forest I could find and collapsed in front of a tree, near the center of the area. I sobbed into my hands and I kicked the poor tree. 

        Hikaru didn't notice me leaving, he didn't care if I were crying or not. All he cared about was that stupid commoner! He wouldn't even care if I just ran away right now, would he? No! He would just replace me with that cross-dressing idiot! He didn't know... he doesn't know... Hikaru doesn't know how much I love him....

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