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A white wolf with blue-green eyes ran through the forest, looking behind her every now and then. Fear shine in her eyes as she kept running alongside the mountain, looking for the opening she saw before.
She skidded to a stop as a large black creature stood in front of her, basically towering over her. It's teeth bared, large fangs glistening in the moon light. Another one came up behind the wolf, growling a deep unnatural growl. The wolf's eyes faded from fear to determination. The wolf growled, showing her own fangs as it did so.
The creature behind her lunges forward, landing on her back. The wolf yelped, she whirled her head around, keeping its paws far apart to support the new weight on her back. The wolf snapped at the creature, successfully biting its head. The creature howled in pain, desperately trying to wriggle from the wolf's grip.
The wolf swung the creature, tearing the creature from its back, slamming the creatures back against the ground. Then the wolf put more pressure on the creatures head. The creature desperately tried to claw the wolf but, as a sickening crunch was heard, was unsuccessful. The creature laid limp, the wolf released its grip then growled threatening at the creature in front of it.
The creature responded with a roar, then lunged forward. The wolf jumped back just in time, as the creature landed where the wolf just stood. The wolf lunged forward in return, landing on the creatures back this time.
The creature roared in frustration and pain as the wolf clawed its back. The creature turned its head, grabbing the wolf's scruff then threw the wolf. The wolf landed on the ground with a thump. The creature whimpered slightly then turned and sprinted into the forest running away from the scene.
The wolf forced itself to stand up, its once white fur now had splotches of red across its fur. Scratch's streaming out blood, dripping down onto the grassy ground below. The wolf staggered forward, approaching a large mountain. Before the wolf laid a small hole, but it was big enough for the wolf to fit through.
The wolf slid through the opening with ease, crouching down slightly so it wouldn't hit its head above her. She crawled her way along the passage, hoping to get as far away as possible. She came across an open cavern, blue gem light pillars shined brightly, filling the cavern with light.
The wolf noticed an opening between the pillars, see white light on the other side. The wolf slid through the small crack stepping in something fluffy and cold. The wolf looked down seeing snow, it cocked its head in confusion.
But shook its head thinking to find someplace safe. It looked around, then walked forward soon coming upon a steep hill. The wolf walked along it, its ears flicked as it heard laughing not far from where it was standing. The wolf looked over seeing something that looked like a small yellow dinosaur with now arms wearing a yellow and mustard yellow (I think that's the color) striped sweater.
Next to it was a littler human girl with short brown hair, light skin, and brown eyes. The wolf freaked out slightly, loosing its footing, tumbling down to the bottom of the hill. The wolf whimpered in pain as it's wounds begin to pulse in pain. The wolf look up to see a cave, it forced itself up once more. It staggered inside the cave, moving in deep enough to remain hidden and see outside the cave at the same time.
The wolf laid down thinking, 'Oh Luna what have you gotten yourself into now.'

I know I described Frisk with eyes but I thought it would be easier for later occasions. And sorry if it seems a bit rushed but I wanted to at least get it where she was in the cave.
Also the aus I'm planning to use it undertale (of course), underfell, underswap, fellswap (or swapfell however you pronounce it), ink and error, horrortale, freshtale, dusttale, and I think that's it. If you have any suggestions please list them and I might add them.

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