Chapter 2

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                                 Third POV
    Luna blinked open her eyes, seeing she was in a cave. She looked around confused, then remembered what happened yesterday. She tried to stand on all fours, but pain shot through her, pinning her to the ground.
    "Ok... I can't move... that's just great." Luna groaned. She allowed her wolf form to grow larger, turning herself into a white dire wolf.
   She tried standing again but the pain shot her down once more. Luna growled in frustration, glaring at her wounds. She looked over as she heard movement at the front of the cave.
    Her eyes landed on a little girl with short brown hair, light skin, and brown eyes. The little girl wore brown shoes, black leggings with  jean shorts over them, and a blue and purple striped sweater. In her arms held different types of medical supplies ranging from peroxide to bandages.
    The girl took a step back, her eyes wide in fear. Luna was at first confused to why she was scared... till she realized she was in her dire wolf form, not her normal human form. Which she can't turn back into at the moment due to lack of energy and blood lose.
    Luna sighed, "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." Luna's tone was motherly and warm, which helped the little girl relax. "You can talk?" The little girl questioned.
She didn't seem all that surprised Luna could talk in her wolf form, which made Luna curious as to why. "Yes." Luna simply answered. She could give a long description as to why or really why she thinks but... the little one might not understand.
The little girl approached her, being cautious. Once she was close to Luna, she placed all of the medical supplies down. The little girl looked at them confused, unsure on which one to start first.
Luna giggles slightly, "Start of with peroxide. It will help clean out the wounds." The girl gave me a smile of gratitude, picking up the brown bottle.
She uncapped it, then went to work. Pouring some of the liquid on the first wound she saw. Luna winced as the cold liquid hit her wound then began to sting slightly.
Luna clenched her teeth, her ears flat against her head, and eyes closed. "Sorry." The girl said, moving onto the next wound.
It seemed like hours has gone by as the little girl tended to Luna's wounds. Luna guiding her every step of the way. Once the little girl was done, she gave out a sigh of relief, sitting down next to Luna.
"So, I never got the chance to ask. What's your name kid?" Luna asked, looking over at the little girl.
"Frisk, and you?" The young girl asked.
"Luna. Were you born here?" Luna asked, simply striking up a conversation between her new acquaintance.
"No, I fell down here. I was planning to go home but... I didn't want to leave my new family. So I've been helping my parents and Alphys try and figure out another way to break the barrier." Frisk explained. "What about you? I don't think I've ever seen a monster like you before."
"Oh, I'm not a monster. I'm a human, I came here through a crack in the mountain." Luna told her. Frisk's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.
"Your a human!? But... how? How can you look like that?" Frisk asked confused, gesturing to Luna's form. Luna smiled, "It's my superpower. I have the ability to transform into any animal I want."
    Frisk looked at her in awe. "So are you like a superhero!? Wait! Are there superheroes on the surface now!?" Frisk questioned with excitement.
    Luna giggled, "Yep, I'm one of the most powerful heroes." Luna bent her head to be at eye level of Frisk.
    "That's so cool!!" Frisk exclaimed, practically jumping in her spot. Luna smiles softly at the girls reaction, she hardly gets that reaction with people when she's in any animal form. It scares them at first, then as time goes by they begin to feel comfortable around her. There is still some problems with some people she saves from villains, but they always apologize later.
    All of a sudden, a loud roar reach her ears. Luna's head shot up, now alert. Frisk stood up as well, only hearing it slightly. "What was that?" She asked.
    "That's the things that did this to me. They must have gone through the same crack I did." Luna informed her, her eyes narrowing.
    "What!? They did that to you!?" Frisk questioned, surprise and shock in her voice. Luna nodded, "They are nasty things, they will kill almost anything that moves."
    "And their here!? How many are there?" Frisk asked, alarm in her voice.
    "About thousands of them, maybe billions including their queen. But the ones that came down here are most likely scouts." Luna informed her calmly, not taking her eyes off the entrance.
    "Scouts? Why would there be scouts?" Frisk asked, looking over at Luna confused. "So they can see what the territory is like... and to see if what they're after is here." Luna answered.
    "What are they after?" Frisk asked, scared of what the answer might be. "Me." Luna answered, looking down at Frisk. "I'm one of the only things that can kill them... and they don't like that. They want to take me out as soon as possible, especially after almost killing their queen." Luna added.
    Luna saw fear in Frisk's eyes, which struck her heart. "I'll be out of here as soon as possible. So no one is harmed." Luna said
    "No!" Frisk said suddenly, surprising Luna. Frisk cleared her throat, "I mean, you can stay as long as you want. Those creatures will leave if they think your not here right?" Luna nodded in response, curious on what Frisk was getting at.
    "Then all you have to do is remain hidden! You can stay in this cave and I can bring you food, water, and help you heal! Then once they stop coming down here, you can come out and meet everyone!" Frisk informed her.
    Luna smiles, liking the idea. If anything she would like to help these monsters find a way out. "Alright, lets do that." Luna said, determination in her voice.
Frisk air pumped, "Yes!!" Luna laughed in response. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow ok. I can't stay long since I'm playing hide and seek with my friend."
"Ok Frisk, I'll see you tomorrow." Luna said with a bright smile. Frisk walked out of the cave, waving goodbye the Luna as she went. Luna waited for her to be out of sight, before sighing.
Her happy expression turning to a frown, she looked out of the cave with a worried expression. Another roar echoing out, sounding slightly louder.
"Hopefully, they won't even stay long." Luna mumbled.

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