Chapter 6

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Luna POV
I followed the skeletons to a town with a sign
by the entrance saying Snowdin. I giggle silently, 'It's a pun!' I thought, a smile spreading across my face
    As we walked through the small town, I noticed different creatures ranging from bird-like to even dogs walking upright. I looked around in awe, how come humanity never discovered this before?
    I couldn't help but notice that some of the creatures or ... monsters is what Frisk calls them, we're giving me looks of fear. My warm smile turned into a nervous one, my ears slightly cuffed back. It didn't help that the skeletons basically acted as if I was being escorted to prison, each one of them took their places around me. The one they called Sans leading the group.
I felt a small hand touch my side or really leg, I look over to see Frisk giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled in return, then turn to look forward. I could feel everyone's stares burning into my pelt, I lower my head slightly.
Sans in front of me stopped when we came to a two story cabin like house with a patio. It was also decorated in Christmas decorations, I noticed a couple of mail boxes. One was overfilled with mail while the other seemed to be empty.
'Huh, isn't there four skeletons? Not two?' I thought curiously, cocking my head to the side. "C'mon you can stay in the backyard for now until we know what to do with you. Frisk... since your the one that has been hanging out with her these past few weeks, you watch her." Sans commanded.
"Ok, this way Luna. We can play in the snow!!" Frisk exclaimed, excitement sparkling in her gaze. I smiled warmly, "Ok lead the way Frisk."
I didn't relax till I was out of the skeletons gaze, once we were behind the house I let out a sigh of relief. "You know... Sans is a great person or ... monster. I'm sure once you two to know each other you would get along great!" Frisk said.
I simply nod in response, glancing behind me every now and then. "FRISK!! WAIT FOR ME!!" A loud voice called out.
I turned around seeing the skeleton called Papyrus. "THERE CAN BE NO FUN WITHOUT THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!" Papyrus exclaimed, striking a pose with one hand on his hip and the other on his chest, his head held high. He was so adorable!! He is officially a cinnamon roll in my book.
"Oh Papyrus, this is Luna!" Frisk said, gesturing to me. I laid down on my stomach, hoping to look this of a threat.
"I KNOW THAT HUMAN FRISK! REMEMBER I WAS THERE WHEN SHE SAVED YOU!" Papyrus said, relaxing out of his pose, looking down at Frisk.
"I know, I just want to introduce her in calm circumstances." Frisk said with a shrug, winking at me.
Well she's not wrong, I think this is around one of the first times I've been "introduced" to someone new under non life threatening circumstances.
Papyrus seemed to nod in understanding, then turned to face me asking, "SO WHAT TYPE OF MONSTER ARE YOU? I MEAN I'VE NEVER SEEN A MONSTER LIKE YOU AROUND HERE?"
I was about to answer till Frisk beat me to it, "She's not a monster, but a human! She was chased down here by one of those creatures we saw." Papyrus's eye sockets widened in surprise, "REALLY!? THAT IS A HUMAN!? FRISK ARE YOU SURE!? I THOUGHT ALL HUMANS LOOK SIMILAR TO YOU?"
"They do, it's just that one of my abilities is animal shifting, which means I can turn into any animal I want as long as I know what it looks like." I answered before Frisk could. 'I wonder if I should mention my heritage? I'm not technically human but... saying that for me this far. Maybe I'll tell them later ... maybe.' I thought, keeping a small smile on my face.
"WOW REALLY!? ARE YOU A MAGE THEN?" Papyrus asked. 'A mage?' I thought, tilting my head in confusion. He is talking about mages as in wizards that are in Harry Potter or something? I simply shrugged off the thought, not really worrying about it.
"Nope, she's a superhero!! There's superhero's on the surface now Papyrus!!" Frisk answered for me, jumping up and down in her spot. "LIKE THOSE COMICS YOU'VE SHOWN ME!?" Papyrus asked, beginning to jump up and down in his spot as well. Frisk rapidly nodded her head.
I suppressed a giggle as I watched Papyrus's sockets sparkle in excitement, he picked up Frisk spinning her around. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! FRISK WE HAVE A SUPERHERO IN THE UNDERGROUND!! AN ACTUAL SUPERHERO!!"
I stood back up, sitting onto my hunches, wrapping my tail neatly over my paws. "WAIT." Papyrus stopped spinning Frisk around. He put Frisk down gently looking over at me with a confused look on his face. "WHY CAN'T YOU TURN INTO YOUR HUMAN FORM?? I'M SURE IT'LL BE MUCH EASIER FOR YOU." Papyrus questioned.
"Well... you see I got wounded during the attack on my way back to the city I live in. I was searching for those creatures queen after she escaped from the sewage system, so I figured she would be here. But I got chased and they caught up jumping me. I was able to escape but... my human form is much smaller than this wolf form so ..." I stopped, looking at my bandages. "If I turn human, I will most likely bleed out and die. Just like if get a long scratch and turn into an ant, the scratch will keep the same size, seemingly growing bigger." I explained the best I could, honestly my brother could explain it better. He was the one that helped me control my power and took me under his wing, despite me being older than him he was an older brother to me.
"Oh, I was wondering that too. I get it now." Frisk said, nodding.
"WAIT! HAVE YOU EVER GONE UP AGAINST VILLAINS!" Papyrus asked, his eyes sparkling.
"Why yes of course. I went up against many villains, some stronger than others." I answered, giggling slightly.
"Tell us!!" Frisk demanded, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. "YES TELL US ONE OF YOUR STORIES AGAINST EVIL!!" Papyrus said, giving me the same puppy dog eyes.
I thought for a moment, some related to me being forced to kill a villain but... there were some where I was able to capture them, but sometimes they aren't as interesting. Then a memory flashed in my mind, it was one of the most bizarre missions I've ever went on.
"Alright I got one." I said with a smile. "YES!" Both Papyrus and Frisk screamed out. They sat down, cross crossed, and looked up to me waiting for the story to start.
Sans POV
I watched as the kid and the wolf walked behind the house. The whole way the wolf, Luna is what I heard Frisk called her, seemed tense and nervous.
"Classic, are you sure we should leave the brat alone with the wolf?" Fell asked, keeping his voice a bit low so the other two wouldn't hear. I sighed, "You're right."
I turned to face Papyrus who was looking after the two with a sad expression. "Would you like to join them bro?" I asked.
Papyrus's eye sockets lit up in joy. "YES BROTHER!" I chuckled, "Go ahead bro." Papyrus ran after the two, not glancing behind him once.
"Really? Him?" Fell grumbled.
"Papyrus can protect Frisk and if he's in trouble he'll scream out." I said with a shrug. Honestly, I don't see her as much as a threat, despite her being as tall as Papyrus, sharp teeth, and claws. Plus she protected Frisk and us, she didn't have to and risked opening up her injuries or creating new ones.
"C'mon lets go inside." I said, leading the two edgy skeletons into the house. I flopped onto the couch, letting out a sigh. "What should we do with her?" I asked, sitting up on the couch.
    "Do you think she's from another universe?" Fell ask, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed.
    "She could be but... she would've recognized Frisk or one of us instantly." I answered.
    There was silence for what seemed like hours till Edge screamed out, "I'M GOING TO GO CHECK ON THE GOODY TWO SHOES." Then stomped out of the door.
    "Have you ever seen her in any of the timelines?" Fell asked, raising a bone brow. "No, I've never seen her before in my life." I said, releasing a groan. I leaned back into the couch, tilting my head up, looking up at the ceiling.
"Was it just me or being around her felt... nice?" Fell questioned quietly, looking down at his feet. I had to admit, hearing her voice and looking into her ocean blue eyes calmed me instantly. But I couldn't ... can't trust her. We don't know if she is even friend or foe, good or evil, or if she is even a monster.
"Yeah I felt it... but that doesn't mean we should trust her just yet. After all... we don't even know what she is or where she came from." I pointed out. Fell nodded in agreement, he can be a pain at times but he is good with this sort of thing. All we have to do is figure out her intentions and where she came from.
I closed my eyes, exhausted after today's events. I was snapped awake when I heard a loud voice scream out, "OMG!"

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