New Book?

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Alright everyone so here is the deal, I honestly don't really like this book or how I portrayed Luna. I just feel as if she was overpowered if you know what I mean, I also feel ... that this isn't going very far. 

So I'm going to publish a new book that is going to be the same title as this one except different cover, and there is also going to be something added to the title. I know I have done and said this before but ... I'm honestly struggling in the new chapter. 

So I came up with the alternative, I deeply apologize for not being able to come up with something. But to be honest ... this one in my eyes is trash. I feel I can do so much better.

Overall I'll let you all know when the next book comes out, oh and another thing ... I might add a few Papyrus's in the mix. So which Papyrus would you guys like to add to? 

Until next time readers.  

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