Chapter 9

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I pulled my head back away from Blue, Blue followed suit, pulling away and wiping his tears. I smile softly, rubbing my muzzle against his cheek. 

I feel a stinging sensation coming from my wound, I yelped, whirling around to see Sans placing a rag on my wound. "Sorry kid, but we have to get this cleaned." Sans said, a genuine smile forming on his face. 

I wince again, cuffing my ears back, letting out a small whine. "ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH! YOU'RE HURTING HER!" Blue yelled, snatching the rag out of Sans's hands. 

"That means it's working, now give it back Blue!" Sans said, reaching for the rag. Blue jumped away, keeping the rag away from Sans. "Blue, give it." Sans held out his hand, his voice firm. 

"NO!" Blue retorted, backing away from Sans. 

All of a sudden the rag was yanked out of Blue's grasp, Fell walked over to my wound, placing the rag  gently. Lightly patting the wound, it stung, but not as bad as when Sans was doing it. 

"You were putting too much pressure and squeezin the rag. Have you ever tended wounds before?" Fell questioned, looking over at Sans. 

"No. Not anything large then a small scratch or a splinter." Sans commented with a shrug. 

"Geezus, amateurs." Fell rolled his eyesights, before turning his attention back on the wound. 

All of a sudden I hear a loud crunch of snow and a snap of a branch. I stand up quickly, causing Fell to stop his treatment. I turn my head, growling towards the forest. I raise my head to sniff the air, I picked up something ... new? 

I stand up, stalking into the forest with the skeletons following behind me. Blue ran up to walk beside me, I glance at him, then turn back my head to look on ahead. I relaxed as I see two skeletons looking similar to Sans. One had a black splotch on cheek which looked like ink, brown clothing, and strapped across his chest were viles with different color liquids. The skeleton under him was a black skeleton wearing a black coat which faded to blue and a red sweater underneath, he had blue stripes coming down from his eyes as if he was crying. 

I turn to look down at Blue, maybe he knows them. "INK!" And I stand corrected. 

The art looking one blinked open his eye sockets, looking up to see Blue. "Blue? Am I in Underswap?" He asks. 

"No, you're in the classic universe." Sans answered from the other side of me. 

"Oh great! I need you guys t-" He didn't get to finish as the other skeleton pushed Ink off of him, sending him flying into a tree. 

"GeT OFf mE!" He shouted in a glitchy voice, sitting up from ground. He then looked over at us, standing up quickly, blue strings forming around his fingers. I could see the fear in his eyes, anger oh so much anger. He reminds me a bit of someone ... someone I miss dearly. 

He reached out his hand the blue strings first going for Ink then went for Blue. I swiped at the blue strings, slicing them clean with my golden claws. That's when he noticed me, our eyes met, that's when I felt the same thing I felt around the other Sans's. 

He seemed to relax slightly, looking at me with wide eyes, "WhO Are YoU?" 

I smiled softly, "My name's Luna. What about you?" The glitchy skeleton's eyes narrowed, seeming to be unsure about something, his shoulders tensing up. 

He stuck his arm out to his side, looking over seeming to expect to see something. "PoRtaLS dON't WorK?" He mumbled out, dropping his arm back to his side. He then turned his head, glaring at me, "WhAT DiD YOu DO?" 

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