Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since I've showed the skeletons my human form. After awhile they are actually, for real ... hopefully, trusting me. Sans and Fell are become less tense around me, Blue is being well ... Blue he hasn't changed around me one bit except he keeps assisting that I help with his puzzles, Error has still been keeping to himself mostly but he will converse if I start the conversation, and Ink has trusted me from the start but ... something is definitely off about him.

Not to mention, I have been having strange dreams. In these dreams I see a symbol looking similar to the top of the skull of an eagle and the American flag as a person wearing shades over his eyes and a cocky grin on his face. I haven't told anyone about the dreams but ... they mean something I just don't know what.

"Luna!" I hear a voice shout, snapping me out of my daze. I look behind me to see Sans giving me a worried look, "Geez I called your name six times, what's on your mind?"

I smiled up at him, "Nothing Sans, just thinking how to take down the barrier." Which is partially true, recently I've met the king and queen, Frisk's parents, including the barrier. It's made purely of magic, strong magic that's going to be almost impossibly to break without seven human souls. I smirk to myself, almost.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Don't stress out too much, take your time. We've been down here hundreds of years, we can wait a little longer."

I smile softly up at him, "I won't, I'm sure I'll figure it out."

Sans returned the smile, "Oh and I wanted to tell ya dinner is done."

"Oh! Thank you." I say, standing up from the green couch, following Sans into the kitchen.

"What's for dinner tonight?" I ask him.

"Tacos ... which are as bad as Papyrus's spaghetti. I can take you to Grillby's later if you'd like." Sans says, grabbing a plate and two tacos.

"Thanks, but I'm sure these two tacos will be enough." I say with a wink as I grab my own plate.

Sans chuckled, "Yeah I'm sure." Sans picked out two tacos, which to me seemed like the worst ones but I must be imagining things.

I took the last two tacos, placing them on my plate before taking a seat next to Fell and across from Sans. "ALRIGHT LET'S DIG IN!" Papyrus exclaimed.

I take a bite from the taco, at first I couldn't taste anything. But after a couple of chews I could tase the burnt meat, glitter, lemon juice, apple juice, and all the other not-supposed-to-be-in-tacos ingredients. I resisted the urge to crinkle up my nose and vomit right then and there.

"HOW ARE THEY MISS LUNA?" Blue asked, looking up at me hopefully.

I forced my best smile, giving him a thumbs up, "They are wonderful Blue!" I say as cheerfully as possible. I ate the rest of the taco in the next few bites, practically swallowing it whole, then moved on to the next one, gobbling it down.

"I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THEM MISS LUNA! WOULD YOU LIKE MORE?" Blue asked with stars in his eye sockets, literal stars. I couldn't help but awe over the skeleton, but I knew better than accept Blue's request, "Sorry buddy, but I'm all full."

Blue look said for a moment, but then he smiled brightly once more, "THAT'S ALRIGHT MISS LUNA! I'LL JUST MAKE YOU SOME TOMORROW!" Blue states, taking another bite out of his.

Pretty much everyone but Blue, Stretch, and Papyrus were avoiding the tacos or simply took a bite but then pushed it away. Error himself left the table as soon as he saw the tacos. A few moments later, I begin to feel queasy, my stomach beginning not to agree with the "tacos".

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