Chapter 4

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Luna's POV
I blinked open, my blue-green eyes. I opened my jaws, letting out a large yawn. I turned my head to look at the few bandages on my pelt. I lick my white fur around the bandage near my neck. It's been really annoying these past few days, I wanted to stop this itching feeling coming from under the bandage.
" Frisk was right!" I looked over in surprise to see a yellow flower with a surprised face, his mouth gaped.
I cuffed my ears back in shyness, "Who are you?" Believe me, I wasn't freaked out by a talk flower... I've seen weirder. It actually looks a little cute.
Before the flower could answer a girls voice said, "Flowey!?" I look towards the entrance seeing Frisk with a plate of spaghetti in her hands. "What are you doing here? How did you even get out of your pot?" Frisk questioned, walking over to Flowey.
I cocked my head to the side slightly, a little bit confused on what was going on. "I just got curious is all. Especially when you told me about a human who could turn into a giant wolf!" Flowey exclaimed, pointing at me with one of his leaves.
"You told him about me?" I asked, looking at Frisk with a calm expression.
Frisk glances down at the plate of spaghetti then back up at me. "I'm sorry. I know you said not to tell anyone about your existence but... don't worry Flowey can keep secrets! Besides he can't exactly tell anyone when he mostly stays in my room anyways in a pot." Frisk explained.
I sighed, "It's ok Frisk. I understand, as long as you won't tell anyone else till those creatures are gone."
"Creatures?" Flowey asked in confusion, looking over at me.
"You know those roads we've been hearing at the castle?" Frisk asked looking down at Flowey.
"Yeah. What about it?" Flowey questioned.
"Those are the creatures I'm talking about. Believe me, they aren't friendly." I answered this time.
"Then why aren't we telling the whole underground about this!?" Flowey questioned, anger in his voice.
"Because they are simply scouting. As long as they don't get hungry or bored, no one will get hurt." I told him. "And if we tell anyone they might-"
"Attack then on sight or will cause mass hysteria. I know." Flowey interrupted, looking down at the ground.
Frisk sat down next to Flowey, placing the plate in front of me. "Thank you Frisk." I said with a smile. I then bent my head down, gobbling down the spaghetti.
If I'm being honest, I'm getting a little tired of spaghetti... ok I honestly don't want to see spaghetti again. I wish Frisk would've brought something from that Grillby place but... I can't complain. She is doing as much as she can, and she is helping me. Most people wouldn't help an injured giant white wolf. Once I was finished I pushed the plate back towards Frisk with my nose.
"Luna." I look at Frisk. "How long till those creatures leave?"
"I don't know to be honest. It could be another week or month." I answered, looking out into the snow.
"What if they find you? What if they kill you? What if-" Frisk broke down into sobs. I took my paw, putting it one her back and dragged her close to me. Pushing her into my fur.
"Hey, hey, don't worry about me. It's going to take more than teeth and claws to kill me." I said, bending my head down to where my nose was right above her head. She pulled away a little, her hands still on my pelt, my paw not leaving her back.
"But what if you are found!? How am I going to know you need help?" Frisk asked, a few strand tears running down her cheeks.
I thought for a moment, looking over at the wall of the cave to my right. I then smiled and looked back at Frisk. "I may have an idea." I remove my paw from Frisk's back. She stepped a couple steps back in response.
I closed my eyes, concentrating on what I want to make. 'Hopefully this works'
Frisk POV
I watched as Luna kept her eyes tightly closed. Then she opened them. I was shock, they weren't blue-green anymore, instead they were glowing blood red. The red color seemed to move around, sort of like liquid.
Then I see a red light out of the corner of my eye, I looked down to see a red band form on my wrist. The red band gave off a glow for a few seconds, then faded into a normal red collar. I looked back up at Luna in shock, I see the same thing right above her paw.
"There, now you will be able to know if I'm hurt or in trouble. The bracelet around your wrist will glow if I'm ever hurt, same thing with mine if you get hurt at any point in time." Luna explained.
"How?" I asked, looking at the bracelet in awe.
Luna shrugged, "My mentor taught me, but honestly I don't know. So for now until science can explain it I'll say it's magic."
I smiled, twisting my wrist around, examining the bracelet. "Now you better get going. Tell your friend who made this thank you." Luna said, a bright smile forming on her face
"But... I want to stay with you." I said.
Luna chuckled, "C'mon Frisk. I can hardly do anything without reopening my wounds. Go have some fun with your friends. I bet they miss you."
I hesitated, but stood up, I then ran to her wrapping my arms around her neck. "See you later ok!" I said cheerfully. I then pulled away and picked up the plate.
"See you later!" Luna called out happily as I walked out of the cave.
"Wow... you made a child cry." I heard Flowey say.
"Who are you again?" I heard Luna ask
"Are you kidding me!" I hear Flowey yell.
I couldn't help but giggle, I then continued walking. I walked back into Snowdin, past all of the monsters waving as I went. Most waved in return while others smile. I made it to the skeleton brothers house.
I knocked on the door. I didn't have to wait long till the door swung open, Papyrus standing in the doorway. "AH HELLO HUMAN!! HOW DID YOUR FRIEND LIKE MY SPAGHETTI!?" Papyrus yelled or really asked.
"She loved it. She wanted me to thank you for the meal." I told him with a bright smile.
Papyrus moved to the side, allowing me to walk in. "THAT IS WONDERFUL TO HEAR. TELL HER THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS THANKFUL FOR HER INPUT!" He said, putting his red gloves hand on his chest.
I giggled, "I'll remember that when I see her again." Papyrus nodded in approval.
"Hey Papyrus, the kid home?" I hear a deep voice ask behind him. I look around Papyrus to see Sans with Fell standing next to him.
"YES BROTHER! SHE IS RIGHT HERE." Papyrus gestured to me.
"Great timing kid. We are just about to go out to our spot and build snowman. Wanna join?" Sans asked, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets.
I nodded quickly. Sans chuckled in response, "Alright kiddo. Let's go. Edge you coming!" Sans called out.
"I'M COMING!" Edge called out, walking down the stairs. He then walked past everyone saying, "LET'S GO."
Papyrus walked beside him, while me, Sans, and Fell walked behind them. We were all talking calmly until both Papyrus and Edge stopped causing me to bump into Papyrus.
"What's going on boss?" Fell asked, looking up at Edge, confused. When Fell took his place next to him and looked in front, he froze.
Sans did the same with Papyrus, walking around him and froze in place. "What's going on!?" I asked urgently.
I walked up next to Sans, looking ahead. I froze in fear and shock. Before us was a large creature that looking similar to a dog but more menacing. It had pitch black skin, no fur, black eyes which seemed to stare into her soul, paralyzing it with fear. It was taller than Papyrus, maybe as tall as Luna if she stood next to it... possibly taller. It had four legs with long black claws, its teeth lined with fangs and sharp teeth.
'Is this the creature Luna was talking about?' I wondered, looking at the creature up and down.
I didn't snap out of my trance till it started to stalk towards us, an unnatural growl coming from it. "WHAT IS THAT SANS?" Papyrus questioned, taking a step back.
"I don't know bro." Sans answered, his pinpricks seeming to narrow into small spots.
"WEAKLINGS! THE BOTH OF YOU!" Edge growled, summoning a few sharp bones. With a raise of his hand, he sent the bones towards the creature. The bones simply bounced off of the creature like it was nothing. Edge looked surprised and a little nervous.
"Let me try something." Sans said, summoning a gaster blaster. I charged up, then shot out a ray of light blue light. It pushed the creature back slightly but didn't do any damage.
"What the hell is this thing!?" Fell questioned in fear.
The creature seemed to glare at them with its dark eyes, then started to move forward. My feet seemed to move forward running a couple of steps in front of them. "Kid what are you doing!?" Sans questioned, fear laced in his tone.
I looked at the creature with determination. The creature growled as I stood between it and the skeletons. I then took in a deep breath, then yelled, "LUNA!!"
The creature seemed to react as I yelled out her name. It started to charge straight at me. "LUNA!!" I call out again, ignoring the lumbering creature heading straight towards me.
"Kid get back here!!" Sans yelled, his tone becoming serious.
I didn't move, "LUNA!!" I called out once more.
    "Kid I'm serious get over here now!" Sans screamed out.
    Before I could even take a step back, the dark creature lunges forward straight at me. I closed my eyes, raising my arms to attempt protect myself. 'Oh no! This is going to hurt!' Was my last thought, before I could feel the claws of the large creature.

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