Chapter 5

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                                 Luna POV
    I rested my head down on my front paws. "Do you even know where you are!?" Flowey questioned.
    He's been asking questions since Frisk left or tried to push my buttons. But lucky for him, I'm a very patient and calm person. Or else there may not even be a flower anymore.
   "Yes, I am under a mountain." I answered calmly, looking at him with a bored expression.
    "God your a smart ass." Flowey commented, rolling his eyes.
    "Watch your language." I said, sending a small glare his way. He flinched, fear over taking his features.
    It was quiet for a moment, then I heard something faint, like a voice. My head shot up, ears pointed towards the entrance of the cave. "What is it?" Flowey asked, noticing my movement.
    "Shh, I think I hear something." I told him, not taking my eyes off the entrance.
    Then I heard it again, but this time it was clearer. "Luna!" I recognize the voice instantly. I jumped up on my feet and bolt out of the cave. "Wait where are you going!?" Flowey called out after me.
I didn't answer, I have to get to her. I ran up the hill, my heart beating a mile per minute, adrenaline pumping through my veins. The chilly cold air seemed to turn to wind as I bolted through the forest.
If this wasn't urgent, I would be enjoying this time spreading out my legs which still seemed stiff. I weaved around trees, my ears flattening against my head. "Luna!" I hear Frisk scream out again. It sounded close, I pushed harder, my stride widening.
Then I saw them, four skeletons standing in the snow facing towards something in front of them. I didn't have time to look at the skeletons closely, instead I saw what was in front of them.
Frisk was pinned into the snow by one of those nasty creatures, it's giant jaws getting closer and closer to her face. I growled at the sight which seemed to catch its attention, it looked up seeming to glare at the skeletons. It knows.
I got close enough to the skeletons, then bunches up my hunches. I leaped over the skeletons, then landing on the creature, knocking it off of Frisk.
I tumbled in the snow, both of us biting and scratching each other. I was able to kick it off, sending it flying into a tree. I jumped up on my paws, then put myself between it and Frisk. "Luna!" Frisk said cheerfully.
I look behind me, seeing Frisk sitting up in the snow, a bright smile on her face. Her brown eyes sparkling in joy and relief. I gave her a small smile, then returned to my angry expression, facing the creature.
I flexed my golden claws, preparing for its next attack. It roared out towards me, I made a deep growl in return baring my teeth.
The creature seemed to flinch, then lunged forward. I stood up on my hind legs, catching the creature off guard, knocking it away with a single swipe of my paws. I then lunged forward, pinning it down. It struggled, trying to break free from my grip. I looked down at it, with a cold, emotionless, stare.
    I clamped my jaws around it's next, it roared out in pain in response. Then the roar faded into a gurgle, a sickening crunch cause my ears to twitch. Once it stopped struggling, I pulled away. I sighed, "That could've gone better."
    I turned towards Frisk, who still had a smile on her face. The skeletons behind her had a look of surprise and horror. 'No surprise there.' I thought, walking away from the corpse towards Frisk.
    I froze when a line of bones came up between me and Frisk. I cocked my head to the side, curious on how they came up out of no where. "Sans!! She's with us!" I heard Frisk say behind the wall of bones.
    I simply sighed, I could easily jump over this. Instead I laid down in the snow, waiting for Frisk to talk this Sans guy down.
Fell POV
    I got ready to attack just in case that giant dog jumps over the wall of bones classic made. "Sans!! She's with us!" The brat said with a unpleasant look on her face.
    "How do you know kid?" Sans growled, glaring down at the brat.
    Frisk stood up, holding her head high. "Because she's the reason why I've haven't been around lately." She said proudly.
    I rolled my red pinpricks, great another drama moment. I looked over at Sans, seeing his eyes widened. "WAIT FRISK! ARE YOU SAYING SHE IS THAT FRIEND YOU TALKED ABOUT?" Papyrus asked.
    'No it was the nicecream guy.' I thought sarcastically, but didn't dare to say it out loud. Who knows how Sans would react.
    Frisk nodded, but before she could answer boss questioned, "YOU MEAN TO TELL US THAT WOLF IS THE PERSON YOU WERE TAKING CARE OF?"
    I looked up at boss surprised, how did he even know that? I don't remember the brat saying anything like that.
    Sans sighed, "So that's why you've been stealing our blankets and stuff."
    Frisk had a guilty look on her face, nodding. Sans sighed once more, with a snap of his fingers the bones lowered.
    I saw the giant white wolf simply laying down in the snow, seeming to be waiting for the bones to lower. 'I thought she would've left by now?' I thought, giving the wolf a confused look.
    The wolf seemed to be glancing at all of us, her blue-green eyes were full of excitement and interest. Frisk ran up to her, wrapping her arms around the wolf's neck. "Luna your ok!" Frisk exclaimed.
    "Well of course I'm ok. What do you think was going to happen." The wolf said with a smile.
    Her voice was so sweet and soothing, I felt calm as soon as I heard it. I relaxed, putting my hands in my pocket.
"Who are you? Where did you come from?" Sans questioned, his guard lowering a little.
The wolf looked up at him, then smiled. "Hello, my name is Luna. What's yours?"
"MY NAME IS THE GREAT PAPYRUS!! THIS IS MY BROTHER SANS!! IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU!" Papyrus exclaimed, causing me to wince. Jeezus how can he be louder than my own brother. They're the same person for Asgore's sake!
    "I AM THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PA- EDGE!! THIS HEAR IS MY WORTHLESS BROTHER FELL!!" My bro exclaimed, with his arms crossed. I rolled my pinpricks, annoyed.
    "It's nice to meet you all! Frisk told me a lot about you two." Luna said, snapping my attention back to her to see her staring at the classic brothers. Then she looked over at us with a confused expression, "But she never mentioned you two? Are all of you related?"
    Before I could answer the little brat said, "No they came from a different universe."
    "HUMAN FRISK!! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO TELL HER YET!!" Papyrus screamed out, his tone nervous.
    Frisk's cheerful expression change to guilty. "Whoops sorry... got excited." She said, looking down at her feet.
    I heard Sans sigh, "Alright, lets head back to the house so we can discuss this."
    "Can she come with us!?" Frisk asked.
    "I don't know kid maybe we -"
    "OF COURSE SHE CAN COME WITH US!" Papyrus answered before Sans could finish his sentence.
    "Bro are you sure. We don't know her all too well." Sans questioned. I ignored them and looked back over at Luna. Her expression was unreadable as she watched the two brothers argue.
    "Frisk, by other universe do you mean by parallel universe?" I heard Luna ask.
    "Correct sweetheart, we come from the universe known as Underfell." I answered with a wide grin.
    Her eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement, "That's so cool!!"
"Alright fine she can stay with us!" I heard Sans scream, causing me to turn around.
Papyrus had a wide grin, "YAY! COME MISS LUNA!! WE WILL LET YOU STAY AT OUR PLACE!!"
"Oh no I don't want to intrude or anything. I'm fine with sleeping in a cave for the time being." She said, nervousness taking over her calm tone.
"YOU WERE LIVING IN A CAVE!!" Edge exclaimed. Even Sans looked surprised.
"No... she was sleeping in a nice hotel. Of course she was living in a cave!" I said with an annoyed tone.
    "DON'T GET SASSY WITH ME BROTHER!!" Edge warned, his voice getting slightly deeper. I simply rolled my pinpricks and scoffed. "Whatever." I mumbled.
                                ??? POV
    I fixed up the last part of the machine, "FINALLY DONE!" I took a step back, placing my hands on my hips looking proudly at my work. As usual the great and "Sans!!"
    I turned around seeing my brother in his usual attire. "Oh there you are." Said my brother.
    "That's great bro, I knew you could do it." He told me with his normal lazy happy expression.
    "LETS TEST IT OUT." I begin to click buttons and pull levers.
    My bro walked up next to me saying, "Um bro... I don't think that's a good idea." Then a white flash crossed my vision. Then darkness.

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