Chapter 1

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     Frisk POV
    I woke up to the sunlight filtering into my room. I sat up and stretched, reaching my arms outward. I then jumped out of bed, then went to my closest. I grabbed my usual clothes, a purple and pink stripped sweater, black leggings, and jean shorts.
    I changed quickly then walked out of my room. "My child! Breakfast is ready!" Toriel called out joyfully.
    I licked my lips instinctively, then ran down the long corridor, down the stairs, then into a large dining room where Asgore sat eating some freshly cooked waffles and bacon.
    After I met Asgore and became friends with him, I decided to stay underground with everyone. After awhile I was able to get Asgore and Toriel back together.
    I sat across from Asgore smiling at him. "Hello Frisk, how did you sleep?" Asgore asked, swallowing the piece of waffle he was just chewing.
    "Great!" I answered joyfully. A plate of waffles with syrup on them was placed down in front of me, along with a glass of orange juice. "Thank you mom." I said, then begin to gobble down my waffles.
    "You are welcome my child." Toriel said in return, then walked back into the kitchen to fix herself a plate of waffles.
    "Hey mom?" I begin shoving another piece of waffle in my mouth.
    "Yes my child?" Toriel said in return, not looking up from her cooking."
    "Can I go to Sans and Papyrus's house?" I asked, swallowing the piece of waffle. Then taking a small sip of my orange juice.
    Toriel seemed to think for a moment, her face laced with deep thought. She then relaxed, answering, "Yes of course my child. Just make sure you stick on the main road."
"Yes!" I screamed out in celebration, almost knocking my glass over. I finished my food and drink quickly, then placed my dishes in the sink. I ran out of the kitchen then back up to my room, grabbing a pair of socks. I slipped them on quickly, balancing on one foot with ease.
I then pulled out some brown shoes from underneath my bed. I slipped them on quickly, then ran out of my room and back down to the kitchen.
I gave Asgore a hug, surprising him sightly. Then let go quickly, I ran over to Toriel giving her a hug around her waist. I've grown a bit since I've fallen down here, it's been at least two years now. I couldn't believe it either, but I'm happy.
I pulled away from Toriel, then ran out of the kitchen and started down the hallway to the exit. "Bye mom, bye dad!" I called out as I ran.
"Bye Frisk!" Asgore called out. "Make sure to be back before dinner!" Toriel called out as well.
I ran past the throne room which now had two thrones once again, I then opened the doors. I made sure to close them behind me. I waved to the guards standing outside of the door. They waved in return.
I ran through New Home, weaving past monsters with ease. Most of them saying, "Hello Frisk!" Or "Good day Frisk!"
I was able to wave to some of them, but kept running through the capitol. I felt the air around me get warmer, the path below me turning orange, and the buildings dispersing to large red walls.
I begin to grow hot and tired, the heat catching up with me. I slowed down to a speed walk, but not any slower than that. I was determined to get to the seklebros house as fast as possible.
I made my way through the Hotlands, passing a lab as I went. "I'll say hi to Alphys later." I told myself, not stopping to stay around the lab.
Finally I came across a river where the River Person sat on his boat like always. "Tra la la la hello Frisk." The River Person said, which was quiet normal nowadays.
I smiled, "Hello! To waterfall please." I climbed into the boat, taking a seat on the bench. The River Person seemed to nod, then the boat started moving.
It flowed smoothly along the river, not once ever wobbling side to side or having any water splash in. The climate once again begin to change, growing cooler.
I sighed out in relief, feeling a cool breeze brush through my short hair that has grew a little bit longer but that's all I aloud it to grow.
I looked around, seeing the scenery change as well. The ground in the surrounding area turning to blue grass, blue glowing seems to be scattered around. The boat came to a slow stop.
"Thank you!" I said, jumping out of the boat. "Tra la la la you are welcome." The River Person said in return.
I bolted off in a sprint once more, running through the field of the bright glowing flowers, echo flowers. I ran along the path running past a fish house, then past a large waterfall.
I ran out of the cave entrance into some snow, the temperature dropping. I could see my breath as I kept running through the pine forest. I came up to a sign saying "Welcome to Snowdin."
I smiled at the sign, then sprinted past it. I skidded to a stop before a house that was decorated like Christmas, it also had two mailboxes. One which was filled and the other seemed empty.
    I ran up the stairs onto the porch, knocking on the door. The door swung open revealing a tall skeleton wearing a battle body and a red scarf. "AH HELLO HUMAN! WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE TODAY?" The skeleton asked.
    "I came over to hang out!" Frisk answered with excitement. I was practically jumping up and down where she stood. I loved hanging out with Papyrus and Sans, solving puzzles with them or even just going to Grillbys.
    "THAT'S GREAT HUMAN!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO TODAY?" Papyrus asked, placing a finger to his chin, showing a thinking look. Before I could suggest anything Papyrus yelled out. "I KNOW!! LETS PLAY HIDE AND SEEK. I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL COUNT FIRST AND YOU HIDE. I SHALL FIND YOU THIS TIME HUMAN NYHE HE HE HE!!" Papyrus said with confidence.
    The last time they played hide and seek, I hid under his bed. He search for the whole day, all around the forest and snowdin. Until he finally gave up.
    I have him a thumbs up. He smiled then closed his eyes sockets and covered them with his red gloves. "ONE! TWO! THREE!" He continued counting.
    I giggled, turning around, sprinting off the porch and out of town. I kept running, going deeper into the forest. Papyrus normally counts to thirty, speeding up around twenty five.
    I ran along a path where there is a dip. I skidded to a stop, looking over to see a cave. Maybe I should hide there... nah it's to obvious. I was about to walk away till all of a sudden I misplaced a step, the weak part of the snow fell down the hill, me tumbling down with it.
    I tumbled down the hill, to the base. I groaned, I stood up, then started walking up the hill. "IF I WERE A HUMAN WHERE WOULD I HIDE?!" I heard Papyrus's voice say.
    I panicked, he was done counting already! I looked around at the bottom of the slope, my eyes landing on the cave. I dashed over to the cave, running inside then leaned up against the side. I peeked our to see Papyrus walking along the slope, not even glancing at the cave. Then I watched as he walked out of sight, his footsteps fading.
    I sighed in relief, "Guess I'll stay her then." I turned around, jumping back instantly, my eyes widened in fear. Before laid a white wolf that was practically covered in scratches and bit marks. It's breathing was shallow, it looked hurt... badly hurt.
    I thought for a moment, then knew exactly what to do. I sprinted out of the cave, running back in the direction I came from. Running back into tan, running past Sans as he walked out of his house. "Hey kiddo." He greeted with a small wave.
    I didn't have time to stop and chat so I simply waved in return. I caught out of the corner of my eye Sans giving me a confused look. I looked back forward, heading to the store in the town. I know they have to have something.

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