Chapter 8

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It has been a few weeks ... I think, it's a bit hard to tell underground. My wounds were almost completely healed, and I have built a sort of bond with Blue and Papyrus. Sans, Fell, and Stretch are still suspicious of me, but they are starting to get comfortable around me at least. Their threats going down to a minimum. Edge however ... is well ... we don't along too well.
I don't blame them for being suspicious, people on the surface were a bit on edge when I first came to the light along side my brother.
In the meantime of waiting for my wounds to heal so I can turn into my human form, I've been figuring out ways to break the barrier. I've been talking to Frisk and Flowey about it, trying to get every detail of what the barrier actually is.
I get the part where they need seven human souls to be absorbed by a monster in order to destroy the barrier but ... there has to be another way. I may have an idea, but I need to be in my human form to go through with it.
"MISS LUNA!!" Shouted Blue, I look over to see him running from the back door carrying a tray of what looked like ... tacos? "WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY MY BREAKFAST TACO?" He asked, holding up the tray to me.
I giggle nervously, in all honesty I wasn't very hungry at the moment. Flowey gave me some pie earlier, saying Frisk told him to give it to me.
"I'm sorry Blue but ... I'm going to have to deny your wonderful tacos today. I just ate breakfast a couple of minutes ago." I tell him, giving him an apologetic smile.
Blue's smile falters for a moment before returning to its normal size. "OH, THAT'S ALRIGHT. I'M SURE MY BROTHER WOULD LIKE SOME." Blue exclaimed happily, running back into the house.
I felt a small tug in my chest, pulling me towards him. I ignored it like I always do, placing my head down onto my paws. Whenever Blue, Sans, or Fell leave or even talk to me I feel a small tug in my chest. At first I would just do what the tug tells me, I follow them until they go into the house. I couldn't go in there even if I'm allowed, being a six foot wolf has its downsides.
I peeked up when I hear a large roar coming from the forest. I look between the house and the forest. 'Should I go and take care of it? They might notice I'm gone.' I think, contemplating if I should go after those beasts or just stay put. I hear the roar once more, this time getting a bit louder.
I let out a sigh, I'd rather risk my trust with them than innocent lives. I stand up, facing towards the forest. I glance back one more time, before running off into the forest.
I weaved in between the trees, jumping over roots and logs that laid in my path. I slow down to a walk, as I begin to smell the beats stench.
I peak through the trees, keeping myself in the shadows of the forest. I see four of the large beats, one had scars littered across its body and seeming to be the dominant one of the group.
'That one definitely had experience in battle. Going against four is challenging enough but with that one with them it would almost be suicide.' I thought. Throughout the whole week, I have been picking off scouts here and there. Making sure they never come close to the small town or really any living creature. So far it's either been one or two but now ... I guess they are catching on.
'I'm going to have to wait till they separate before picking them off.' I think, beginning to back away.
"Help!" Someone screams out. I look closer to see two kids, one was a bunny while the other seemed to be a dinosaur with no arms. I recognize that one as the one I seen Frisk walking around with one day.
I growl, as I watched the dominant one stalk towards them, jaws wide open revealing its large, sharp canines.
Without hesitation I lunge forward putting myself between the kids and the beast. I swipe at the beast, cutting open it's muzzle. The beast roared in pain and frustration.
I turn to the kid's saying, "Run!" They didn't move, still looking one with fear, trembling. I gave them both a good nudge, snapping them out of their daze. "Run!" I yell, this time they complied, bolting into the forest.
I turn back to the beast just in time to dodge a swipe of one of its gigantic claws. I jump out of the way from one of the younger beasts lunging at me, trying to jump on my back. I growl at the both of them.
This is bad, I'm outnumbered and not fully healed yet. I glare in defiance at the beasts as they surround me like a pack of wolves surrounding their prey no ... a pride of lions.
I struggle to keep and eye on all four of them and to find and opening to run. I jump away as one of them lunge forward, but I ended up in the claws of another, feeling its claws dig deep into my side.
I yelp, then turned my head, trying to get a grip of the beast to rip it off. However a bigger problem came along as another one lunges forward, slamming into me causing me to almost knock over. I took the chance to grab that one by the throat, keeping a firm grip, digging my teeth into its flesh, blood pooling into my mouth. The beast begin to squirm, trying to break free. I could feel the other beast digging its claws deeper into my side, its jaws biting down onto my shoulder.
I didn't let the beast go from my mouth as I used all the strength I had to drag both of them with me as I ran towards a tree. At the last second, I veered to the right quickly, slamming the beast on between me and the tree as I wait for the other one to stop squirming.
The one on my back fell off while I drop the one that was in my mouth. I ran towards another one, who was laying down in the snow. However, I could feel something collide into me, tackling me to the ground. We tumbled together till the thing came out on top, I look up to see the beast covered in scars.
      It made a deep growl, making it sound similar to a demon. Deep inside I felt fear, it was like staring into the jaws of death, its black eyes showing no emotion.
      I lunge upward, snapping at its neck. The beast lurched backward, avoiding my jaws. I stood up, swiping at one of the beasts that was coming up behind me, clawing its eyes. It roared out, stumbling away as quickly as it could.
      'Two down, two more to go.' I think, looking at the two left that could cause harm. I growl, flattening my ears and baring my fangs menacingly. The beast next to the dominant one took a small step back. 'I need to make this quick. Time to use it.'
      I feel power surge through my veins, a red mist coming off my paws, my eyes turning blood red. A smirk replacing my frown. I roared out, red spike shooting towards the two, both try to run but were skewered by the red spikes.
      I retracted the spikes, letting the two bodies fall into the snow which was covered in black and red. I turn to look at the now blind beast, sending spike his way killing him instantly. The spike faded away, my eyes returning to their normal blue-green orbs. The red mist fading away and the feel of power dying down.
      I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, exhaustion overtaking me. I panted, stumbling away from the battlefield. "MISS LUNA!!" I hear a familiar voice call out.
      I speed up my walk to a trot, returning to the skelebros house. I see Blue, Sans, Fell, and Stretch looking around. Well Blue was looking around seemingly worried, Sans was leaning up against the wall along with Fell, both of their eye lights gone. Stretch was simply standing by his brother's side, glancing around.
      I step out of the forest saying softly, "I'm right here." All the skeletons looked my way, eye sockets wide in shock.
      I slump down to the ground, trying to get my breath back. Blue ran over to my side, looking specifically at my wounds. "What Happened?" He asked, his voice low and full of worry.
      "Bit a more off than I can chew." I answered, chuckling slightly.
      "Kid ... was it those things?" Sans asked, his voice laced with concern.
       "Yeah, but you don't have to worry about them." I say, laying my head down on my paws.
      I felt a hand on my pelt, I turn to see Blue with tears in his eyes. "Blue it's ok, I'm fine." I said to him, nuzzling his head with my nose.
      "YOU ARE NOT FINE MISS LUNA! THESE WOUNDS LOOK ... Look." He trailed off, looking over the wounds, his eye lights growing smaller.
      I couldn't take it, the tug on my chest turned to pain. It hurt to see him sad and upset. I smiled brightly, "It's ok Blue I promise. I've been through way worse than a few scratches."
      He looks over at me, then lunges forward wrapping his arms around my neck burying his face in my sparkling white fur. Fell walked up, examining the wound himself, then glanced up at me, a flash of worry was seen in his eyes.
      I placed my head on Blue's back giving him comfort, I let out a sigh. 'Great now it's going to be long before I'm healed.'
??? POV
      I felt blue strings wrap around my brush, yanking it out of my grip. "CoMe On INk. YoU caN DO BeTtER thAn ThAT!" A glitchy voice called out, a maniac laugh following in suit.
      I glared into the shadows, clenching my fists close. I dodge a few glitching blue bones that were flown my way. I jump up, grabbing onto my brush, yanking it out of the blue strings.
      I splashed paint onto the ground before grabbing onto a black jacket own by a black boned skeleton with yellow teeth and glitching. I yanked him down into the portal after me. I know someone who can help with this error problem.

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