Chapter 12

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I dragged Cross Chara through the portal, ending up inside Sans and Papyrus's house. I sigh of relief escaped me, finally to be inside a place I call home. "SANS! IS THAT YOU!?" I hear Papyrus call out. 

All of a sudden Cross Chara swung his foot, kicking me straight in the chest, causing me to fall back, slamming into Sans's chest. He then ran away, jumping through a portal that opened on the other side. 

"That's ... going to be a problem." I hear Ink comment. 

"YoU ThiNk?" Error questioned with a sarcastic tone, raising a bone brow. 

"SANS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Papyrus questioned, walking out of the kitchen with a worried look on his face. 

"In another world bro." Sans answered with a small shrug, looking up at his brother with a lazy smile. 

"YOU MEAN LIKE ANOTHER AU!? LIKE WERE EDGY ME AND LAZY ME ARE FROM?" Papyrus questioned, tilting his head to the side slightly. 

"Eh kind of I guess, but not really." Sans answered. 

"Blue, thank god." Stretch ran over, scooping up Blue into a hug. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" 

"I'M FINE BROTHER." Blue answered, smiling up at his brother, wrapping his arms around his neck. 

Eventually Edge came walking down the stairs, welcoming his brother ... in his own way. Practically giving Fell a lecture about not leaving him with those "pathetic looser" ever again. I smile softly, glad that everyone came back safe and sound. 

It reminded me a bit of my own brother, although he was definitely older than me, I wonder if he's looking for me right now? Probably not, I have been known to disappear for days, months even depending on the mission. 

That's what got me thinking, how long have I been down here? There isn't really a way to keep track of the days, not to mention I have been sleeping just whenever. I turn around to watch the reunion but also noticing Ink looking in my direction. I made eye contact with him, causing him to look away quickly. 

Error was just doing ... whatever he was doing as he played with blue string. Taking this opportunity, I walk out of the house, closing the door silently from behind me. I look around Snowdin, seeing monsters move around happily, however some seemed to be scared of something. I can't blame them, those creatures, which I now call Shadow beasts, probably have been getting more bold since I've been gone. 

It's only a matter of time before a whole swarm of them come down, along with their queen. I have to get them all out of here, but I would need Frisk to make this work. I transform in to an average white wolf before running off into the forest, the same pull that I have been feeling with the skeletons, trying to yank me back to them. 

However, I forced myself to ignore it, pushing onward as I raced through the forest before skidding to a stop right before running into Frisk. She froze in place, looking down at me in surprise. I transform into my human form, "Frisk, I think I figured out a way to break the barrier."

"Really!? Wait where have you been?" Frisk questioned, looking up at me in worry. 

"No time to explain." I say, turning into a white horse with a silver mane, bending down, allowing Frisk to climb onto my back. "Just tell me where to go." I say as Frisk climbed up onto my back. 

I raced onward as Frisk gripped my mane tightly, struggling to hang on as I raced across the snow, through Waterfall, across the hot paths of Hotland, and then racing through the city of New Home, and passed the Judgement Hall. 

I huffed, feeling exhaustion begin to take hold. Maybe coming here right after coming from a different dimension wasn't the best idea, especially running the entire way. I slowed down to a soft trot as I walked down the cavern Frisk told me to go in, white seeming to cover the entire cavern. "This is the barrier." She spoke, gesturing to the white around us. 

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