Chapter 7

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                               Luna's POV
    "OMG!" Papyrus exclaimed, looking past me. I just finished up my story on my first ever mission. I look behind me seeing two skeletons walking up to us. One looked like Sans but had sort of Papyrus's attire except it's grey and blue, instead of a red scarf he wore a blue bandanna. The other looked like Papyrus except he wore Sans attire, wearing an orange hoody instead of a blue one.
I look over at Frisk confused, "I thought Sans and Papyrus are the only two skeletons in the underground?"
"YOU ARE CORRECT HUMAN! THE OTHERS ARE FROM DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS." Papyrus informed me, smiling brightly at me.
"Papyrus what's happening? Are you ok?" I look past Papyrus to see Sans running over.
    Papyrus turned around, "WHY OF COURSE BROTHER! WHY WOULDN'T I BE?"
    Sans gave me a suspicious stare, I simply cock my head in confusion. "I just heard you scream bro." Sans answered, not looking at Papyrus, his eyes locked on me.
    "HELLO LAZY ME!!" An excited voice screamed out. I look over seeing the same skeleton that looks like Sans, the look alike Papyrus standing next to him.
    Sans looked over at him, his eyes widening. "Blue? How did you get here?" Sans questioned.
    "The portal machine he created malfunction, we both got here by accident." The look alike Papyrus answered.
    I was confused for a moment till my eyes widened in realization, that's how the other two got here. With a machine! Wow... who knew monsters were more advanced than humans.
    "OH GREAT WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?" Edge questioned, now noticing the two skeletons.
    I totally forgot he was here... wait since when did he get out here? "OH YOU GOT TELEPORTED HERE TOO!! IS FELL WITH YOU AS WELL?" Blue asked, his blue pinpricks turning into stars.
"Technically boss... it was your fault." Fell said, walking up next to Edge. "SHUT UP SANS!!" Edge screamed at Fell.
Fell flinched, taking a few steps back from Edge. In the process he ended up bumping into me, he seem to freeze. He looked up at me with a nervous smile, his gold tooth shining in the light. I gave him a reassuring smile in return, this seemed to ease him a bit, he sat down and leaned up against me.
"FELL!! I MISSED YOU BUDDY!!" Blue screamed, lunging at Fell practically landing on top of him.
"Get the hell off me!!" Fell protest, trying to wiggle out of Blue's grasp. I yelped as one of Fell's elbows hits on of my bandages wounds.
    Fell seemed to freeze, Blue looked up at me in surprise. A silence seemed to fall over the group, me and Blue staring into each other's eyes.
    Then his blue pupils turned into stars, it was so cute! "WOWIE!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU GUYS GOT A PET!" Blue exclaimed excitedly, reaching up. I bent down allowing him to scratch me behind the ear... it felt amazing.
    "Sorry, but I'm not their pet." I stated, smiling at the cute skeleton warmly.
    Blue's eye sockets seemed to widen in shock. "YOU CAN SPEAK! I DON'T THINK I EVER MET A MONSTER LIKE YOU! DID YOU COME FROM A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE?" Blue questioned, putting a finger on his chin seeming to think.
    "Get off me already!!" Fell protested, shoving Blue to the cold ground.
    Blue jumped back up to his feet, "OH SORRY EDGY ME." He then looked back at me, seeming to wait for an answer.
    "Oh... um I'm not a monster." I answered. "I'm a human."
    Everyone, besides Edge, Papyrus, and Frisk, jaw dropped. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight. "Wait... you're a human. But... how?" Sans asked, taking a step towards me.
    "SHE'S A SUPERHERO BROTHER! CHANGING FORMS IS ONE OF HER ABILITIES!" Papyrus answered before I could even open my mouth to speak.
    Sans glanced over towards Papyrus, then back at me, giving me a suspicious stare. "Is she now." He grumbled, not looking away from me.
    "YOU'RE A SUPERHERO ON THE SURFACE!? WAIT... THERE'S SUPERHEROES ON THE SURFACE! YOU HERE THAT BROTHER!" Blue exclaimed, jumping over to his brother with a bright smile.
    "Yep, I here it bro." Stretch answered.
    "Yeah there's superhero's on the surface." I answered, hoping it wasn't a rhetorical question.
"THAT'S AMAZING!!" Blue exclaimed, jumping up and down in his spot.
"IT IS ISN'T IT! SHE JUST FINISHED HER STORY ABOUT HER FIRST EVER MISSION!" Papyrus told the tiny ball of excitement.
After that Blue and Papyrus engaged in an excited conversation, distracting each other from what was happening in the world around them.
"Hey... sorry about that." Fell said, standing up, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
I gave him a reassuring smile, "It's alright, there was no harm done. It just ... hurt is all." He gave me a small smile in return.
"FELL!! COME HERE THIS INSTANT I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Edge called out, sounding pissed in my opinion.
I heard Fell groan, "Coming boss!" Fell walked away, not glancing back at me.
"Hey!" I look over seeing Sans walk up to me, his hands in his pockets. "Look, it's nothing personal but, I'm going to need to keep an eye socket on ya just in case... well... you know. In case you go wild." He said, his white pin pricks disappearing completely. "So I'm only going to say this once, hurt any of us... your going to have a bad time."
I simply looked at him with a confused look, then nodded. "Of course, I understand."
Sans white pinpricks came back, "Good, you can stay here till we figure out what to do with ya or you know, turn into your true form." He walked away, going over to Stretch.
I sighed, wondering if he will ever trust me... or really anyone for that matter. I know Fell did that on purpose.

Authors note
Hey guys. I know sorry for a short chapter but I'm beginning to run out of motivation... and ideas on what should happen next.
So updated may slow down a bit despite for some reason this book was able to enter into the competition. I'm going to be honest... I have no intention on winning and I'm planning to actually have one of my other books be part of the competition for this or next year if it allows me so yeah.
Also I would love to hear your guys ideas for what should happen next. Yes they are going to reach and the surface but I honestly don't know how. I would love your guys help with that as well. Spit out ideas no matter how crazy or defies logic they are. You never know I might combine a few ideas and adjust them.
Thank and see you around!!

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