Chapter 3

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                                  Sans POV
    It's been a few weeks and the kid has been acting... strange. For one, she comes to Snowdin, hangs out with me and Papyrus for an hour, then leaves. Sometimes carrying my brothers leftover spaghetti or some old blankets we don't use anymore. I even found her carrying sponges when I was at my post in front of the town.
    Sure it's not to bad, but she always seems on edge. Something tells me it's those roars that I keep hearing everyday, getting slightly louder each day.
I was at my normal post, taking a nice nap there. The kid would usually run past here, most of the time not even waving a hello. Today, I'm planning on confronting them about their odd behavior. I don't want another genocide route happening because of that little ghost girl.
All of a sudden I hear a loud bang waking me up. A bright flash followed the bang. 'That didn't sound good!' I thought urgently. I walked out of my post, seeing two figures laying in the snow right next to my post.
One was a skeleton that looked like me with a golden tooth, black jacket with yellow fluff, a red shirt, and black shorts with white stripes on each side.
The other skeleton looked like Papyrus except he was wearing black armor with red gloves, he also looked edgy.
"Hey, Fell how's it goin?" I said tiredly, putting my hands in my pockets. The skeleton that looked like me stood up, brushing off some snow from his jacket.
"Not much, just crashing through universes." Fell said, putting his hands in his own pockets.
    "What!? You told me to do it!" Fell retorted, glaring his red pin pricks at the tall skeleton.
   The other Papyrus simply growled, bending over to get in Fell's face, Fell did the same, leaning closer. They looked about ready to go at each throats.
    I teleported between the two, pushing them away a little. "Alright, alright knock it off!" I said firmly. They both backed off, grumbling under their breath.
    I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose... oh wait I don't have a nose... oh well. "Ok Fell, can you ge-" "EDGE!! OHMYGOD IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU!" I hear my brother yell, interrupting my question.
    My brother tackled Edge to the ground, hugging him tightly. I chuckled, the smile on my face growing wider. "GET OFF ME YOU IDIOT!!" Edge screamed, pushing Papyrus off him. I turned back to Fell asking, "Is there any way for you to get back?"
Fell shook his head, "Nope, I didn't get the chance to grab the smaller version." Fell gestured towards Edge with an unamused look. I nodded in understanding, then thought for a moment.
"Guess you two can stay with us for the time being. I haven't fixed that machine yet either so it will take some time before I can send you two home." I told them, Edge standing back up to his feet with Papyrus by his side.
"YAY!! HERE THAT EDGE!!! WE'RE HAVING A SLEEP OVER!!" Papyrus exclaimed excitedly, practically jumping up and down in his spot. Then he froze and said, "I SHALL YOU FIX SPAGHETTI!!" Papyrus running towards the house.
"NO LASAGNA!!" Edge retorted, running after Papyrus leaving me and Fell alone. Another loud roar echoed throughout the forest, causing my smile to fall a little as I looked in the direction I thought it came from. It sounded much closer this time.
"What the hell was that!?" Fell questioned, looking around in confusion and fear.
"I don't know to be honest with you. The roars has been going on for weeks now." I explained, looking back over at Fell.
"And you never went to check it out or investigate!?" Fell questioned, crossing his arms glaring at me.
"Well at first they were very faint, I thought it might've been Undyne or something. But.... as time went on they gotten louder." I told him. "Also no one can pinpoint where it's coming from. Even Alphys' cameras aren't picking up anything." I added, taking a worried glance into the forest.
Fell sighed, "Alright, lets get back to the house before we're eaten or something." Fell begin to walk back over to the house. I followed right behind, keeping close.
'I wonder if that's why the kid is acting strange?' I thought, taking a glance behind me.

                               Frisk POV
    I ran across the snow, heading towards the skeleton brothers house like usual. I heard a loud roar, I skidded to a stop. I looked around, it sounded as if it was right next to me.
    However, when I didn't see anything, I started running once more. I reached the brothers house, knocking on the door quickly. I need to check on Luna quickly, but I also need some food to give her.
    She's pretty much healed but the most severe  wounds haven't yet. She told me a lot about the surface world, the one thing that surprised me the most was that the village that I used to live in ... is gone. Probably because they didn't want anyone "disappearing" on the mountain again.
    But the most awesome thing she told me is about superheroes!! She says that there are now humans with superpowers, she herself she isn't really human and when I asked her is she was a monster she simple replied with, "No, not that either. I'm not really either but I mostly consider myself as a human due to many reasons but I'm more durable than a human that's for sure."
    The door opened, snapping me out of my memories. I look up to see Edge, I looked at him confused. "Edge what are you doing here?" I asked, cocking my head to the side sightly.
    "POSITIVE ME!! YOUR HUMAN IS HERE!!" Edge calls out, backing away from the door. But Papyrus didn't come into view, instead it was Sans with a suspicious look on his face.
    "Hey kid, what took you snow long?" He asked, giving me a small glare.
    I giggle at his little pun, ignoring the small glare. "I heard that another roar. This time it sounded as if it was right next to me. So I looked around seeing if I could see anything." I told him, giving him an uneasy look.
    "Well... did you see anything?" He asks, leaning up on the door frame. I shook my head but before I could say anything Papyrus butted in saying, "FRISK COME GET YOUR PLATE OF SPAGHETTI!!"
    Sans allowed me to walk through. I ran past him over to Papyrus smiling up at him. "Hey Papyrus!! Do you have any extra spaghetti I can use real quick?" I asked, I needed to get to Luna quickly. I have an uneasy feeling.
    "SURE HUMAN FRISK! HERE YOU GO, YOU CAN TAKE THIS!" He said, handing me a plate of spaghetti. I thanked him, then ran out of the house in a hurry. I noticed Fell on the couch, flipping through the TV.
    I decided not to question it, simply thinking that they may be here for a little visit. I was about to reach the door, but Sans teleported in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. "Where are you going kiddo?" Sans asked, his pinpricks disappearing completely.
    "To a friends. He always wanted to try Papyrus's spaghetti!" I exclaimed, smiling. 'Please believe me!' I thought nervously.
    Sans sighed in relief, "Oh ok, go ahead kid. Sorry about that." I smiled, bolting past him and running out of the door. Making my way towards the small cave.
    'Why do I have a bad feeling?'

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