Chapter 5 : Dawn

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"Are you afraid of ghost?" It's what the first thing that came out from her mouth the moment they slumped on the kitchen floor with a large bowl of cereal in their hands.

The only light they had is the light from the lamp in his living room and probably the dim post light outside.

His parents are already asleep and the girl refused to go home to her house earlier and asked him if she could just waste some time at his till the sun rise up first thing in the morning.

"That depends on how it looks like."
He sighed a deep breath and lean against the kitchen down cabinet.

"They said, spirits often lure around at exactly 3 am, since it's the witching hour."
Lisa mumbled in a soft slow voice as she acted cautious to their surroundings. Jimin looked at her with his brow raising up.

"Are you trying to scare me now?"
He shifted to his seat and face the girl who is grinning at him as she take a spoonful of the cereal their eating.

"Nope, it's just funny how we are here at this dark kitchen room, eating some cheerios cereals and it's probably 3 o'clock in the morning."
Lisa giggled and obviously having the time of her life, teasing the bad boy who is now glaring at her. Jimin pinched the bridge of her nose before leaning back again to the down cabinet as he heaved a deep sighed before letting himself smile at Lisa's silliness.

"We always stay up late."
He was eating on his own cereal bowl when Lisa put her head on his left shoulder.

"I saw a ghost ones."

"We're back to that topic again huh?"
Jimin glance at his side and Lisa is occupied at looking on the small window of their kitchen. She is looking at the moon as her eyes glistened to it.

Lisa Hearst, is a mysterious puzzle pieces. She's hard to understand but easy to make her smile. Her life wasn't a fairytale but she is sure a princess in his eyes.

Their first encounter is somewhat he will never forget, she is wearing a sweet sunflower dress and her hair, it had every colour of brown. Jimin could never look upon Lisa's hair without being transported back to the old pebble beach he used to go to in his childhood. His irritating day turn around the moment she look at him with that big brown eyes, she simply looked beguiling. They are both sixteen years old and Lisa was a transferee from London.

He woke up from his dazed when Lisa look at him.
"It's funny how the baddest bad boy in town is afraid of ghost."
She snickered and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Everyone has something to be afraid of."
Jimin continued to put a spoonful of cereal inside his mouth until his chubby cheeks popped out with Lisa looking at him with a warm smile playing on her beautiful face.

"You know what? That's true. I think we should talk more often, I like how your mind plays."

He chew the cereal before swallowing it and answered her with his most bored tone. "That's sounds tiring."
Lisa gasped.

"What? Talking is not tiring! Okay, it does consume a little bit of your energy but it won't definitely come to the point of making you really tired."
She argued and Jimin only shake his head amusedly as he listened to her antics.



"Other than ghost, what are the things that makes your heart beats fast or makes you run for your life?"
She asked curiously. Lisa and Jimin doesn't really talk a lot. Yes, they often stay late at night together but without really talking. They watched movies or listen to music from his playlist. Lisa loves his taste of music. And sometimes their other friends joins them too, specially Soojin Williams.

Lisa knew, her best friend had always have a long time crush on him. So, that makes Jimin a big red 'X' to her. Well it's not that it's wrong, they are just friends anyway.

Jimin pondered for a moment to her question and the only thing that came to his mind is the girl beside him right now.  "I don't know? A woman?"
He sounded unsure that makes the girl demurred.

"You piece of shit! That ain't true! You're one of the playboys that I know!"
He smirked and ignored her loud complaints. Jimin ran his fingers through his midnight-like hair, still sporting that amused grin.

"Well you said something that can make my heart beats fast and run for my life? It's the biggest resemblance of me with women—"
He tried explaining but Lisa stopped him by putting a finger on his lips, with her eyes narrowing.

"After you banged them? I know it! You horny ass."
Jimin broke into a fit of laughter when Lisa snapped at him and even gave him a hard slapped on his arm.

"How about you, Hearst. What are the things that you're afraid of?"
He is smiling and it's a rare to see that sight so Lisa let this slide tonight. The frown on her lips changed into a soft smile as she copied Jimin who is leaning on the kitchen cabinet.

Lisa let silence filled them for a moment before deciding to answer his question with a casual tone.

"Pain. One word but it can break you into a million shattered pieces."
She hugged the huge cereal bowl in her arms before inhaling a breath, not even knowing that Jimin is staring at her. The grin that plastered earlier on his lips were no longer there.

"That's deep, but you know that's inevitable right?"
He was being careful with his words and that snatched her attention. Lisa faced him and their eyes locked for a few seconds before she nodded her head and smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, probably why I'm afraid of it."

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