Chapter 18 : Regret

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"I think you just lose the only bad boy who's willing to be good just for you."


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For some reason, Jimin Clark finally attended the royal's ritual every Saturday afternoon on the Milkshake Shop and that's a late brunch for the rest of them. Imagine Hearst's surprised when the guy seated next to his cousin August.

He literally showed up after not even talking to them for a month! Okay, probably that's only Lisa's case because she had seen him talking to the boys once in a while.

"Look who finally remembered he have friends!" Joy was the first one to react while Clark is exchanging bro-handshake with the boys. The latter shifted his attention to the moping girl, and Soojin nudge her.

"Give Jimin the benefit of the doubt, Joy. He seems really busy with the past weeks." She defended and Clark smiled to her before looking again to Joy who only crosses her arms.

"I'm really sorry, Cooper. It won't happen again." Jimin quickly take out his hand from his denim jacket front pocket and showed his pinky to her, Joy raised a brow still mad at him but who can't resist a bad boy who's acting like a cute little child?

The girl let out a sighed before taking out her pinky too and intertwining it with his. "Did you lose your grumpiness too within those weeks?"
Joy rolled her eyes but then laughing when Jimin reach to mess her hair, she quickly slaps his hand away and the group watch them reconcile.

Lisa awkwardly laugh with them as she sips to her vanilla milkshake. She was seating at the corner in front of Stewart, and Jimin is thankfully at the other side far from her but she didn't expect he will look at her. Still having the smile on his lips from laughing Clark greeted her "Hey."

Hearst's throat went dry as she was dumbfounded with the sight that met her eyes, did Clark just smiled at her?!

It felt like a blur, she couldn't even reply and he was again talking to the guys.

"Looks like he's in a good mood."
She heard Soojin whispered to her, Lisa could only shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, he went out for cheeseburgers last night. You know he loves those."
Lisa casually says as she circled her straw on her milkshake, Soojin stop sipping at hers as she stared at the brunette with furrowed brows.

"You're such a stalker, how did you know?" Her best friend laughed and slap her shoulder finding it humorous but Hearst didn't even budge, she just keep twirling her straw.

"I heard it from Jonas. He can't stop talking about it." Thinking about it just put her in a strange bad mood.

Soojin stopped laughing also and curiously asked the brunette,

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