Chapter 15 : Downfall

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"Stop me."

The moment Lisa Hearst laid her eyes on Jimin Clark, she already knew he's someone she should avoid. On their younger years she already predicted he will be one of the cause why women hates men or why 'happy ever after' don't usually exist in real world and why girls chose to love girls instead. It's just a very short theory in her mind so hence why she only became his friend.

He emits danger to all fragile hearts, and not only because he's oozing with sex appeal but also he is smart and that's freaking sexy.

He was cold to her ever since, definitely a moody charmer but Clark was also sweet in his own little ways. He may have a hard time expressing himself but his a good friend when you understood him.

A friend. Is that only it?

He's warning her now but her mind is still on a dazed of the past.

She gulped, trying to find the right words. Put your brain in use dumbass!

"One last chance, Hearst. Stop me."
His shaky breath fanned her lips and Lisa can almost taste the bitterness of the alcohol he consumed minutes ago before going here and the minty cigarette he smoked before he decided to climbed up to her window.

And she's in her right mind to push him away and tell him to stop but she didn't. Her throat runs dry and she suddenly lost her voice.

Lisa licked her bottom lip and Jimin was still waiting for her to make a move but the only thing she did was to let out a gasped when he finally crashed his lips on her.

Her very smell was flooding his senses now and not too long after he push her gently to lay down to the bed as she kissed him back with the same intensity. Lisa wanted to pull away before she lose herself but she can't seem to do anything, her senses had been filled with thick fogs and she can no longer think straight.

His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. His other free hand drifted to the knot of her silk robe as he untied it with just one hand before he snaked his arm around her thin waist as his grip tightened, crushing her body to his, gentle yet firm. Clark slanted her head further, deepening the kiss and that's where she totally lose her mind because Hearst just let out a soft moan as she opened her lips and Jimin didn't even think twice to insert his tongue in her mouth exploring and tasting every bit of her.

It's intoxicating and euphoric at the same time because damn it for how many years he have longed to do this, he could cry right now but he didn't want to stop, all he wanted to do is to kiss the hell out of her until the world fall away.

It would be only him and Lisa Hearst. How great would be that?

Lisa pulled away but her eyes were still closed and her chest were heaving up and down from the lost of breath but Jimin began nuzzling her neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers. She urged herself to push away, but couldn't. 

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