Chapter 7 : Quarrel

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"Okay, enough! You two stop glaring at each other will you?"

Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes that made Lisa more furious than she is right now, she slammed her hands on their table and stood up.

Stewart's warning went unheeded.

"What is really wrong with you?!! I'm so done with that attitude of yours, Clark."
She yelled at him but not loud enough to gather everyone's attention inside the shop. But the annoying one, laughed bitterly before he spat the words that will surely, make her hate him even more. 

"Yeah? Then why don't you stop being so attention seeking, drama queen?"

Lisa gritted her teeth when she heard the nickname she loathes.

"I am not—"
Jimin also stood up to face her, his face is dangerously close to hers and she can feel their friends staring at them, and her words halted when the side of lips lift into a smirk.

Jimin felt the tugging of his shirt. Soojin is trying to stop him from whatever he's what about to do. But events of what he witnessed few days ago fueled him.

"Of course, you are. You'll vent your frustration about my asshole best friend on how he cheated on you but then, it's not even 24 hours had passed but you're chasing another guy." He made sure that his voice was toned down and it's only meant to hurt the it girl and not cause a scene.
"Then after that what, Lisa? You'll go cry again?"
He finished his remark with a cold glare. Jimin's jaw clenched when he saw how her eyes glistened, for a few seconds there he regretted his words but not until someone called his name and woke him up from being spellbind.


"No, Nathaniel! Lisa needs to hear this." This time his voice was louder. He shortly glanced at the man who called him as he gave him a warning glare. They knew enough not to mess with the baddest bad boy in town.

Jimin turned his attention back to Lisa. Her face were all red and from the way she's keeping her lips mummed right now, it's obvious that she is really mad.
"You know what Hearst? Stop acting like an easy to get woma—"
And that was the cue where she exploded. Lisa couldn't even stop her hand from slapping Jimin's cheek.

"I hate you."
She muttered breathless, before completely walking away from them.

"Jimin, there's no really a point of saying those to her. It's quite rude." Soojin also stood up this time, she glared at Jimin before she worriedly look at the running girl.

Jimin sat back from his seat and ignored Soojin who rolled her eyes with his attitude.

She didn't waste any more time though, Soojin started chasing her best friend.

Now that they are only five of them left. Silence engulfed their table. Nathaniel is shaking his head, Joy focuses on finishing her food, August is unbothered, Stewart on the other hand is staring at the bad boy, and Jimin was looking anywhere but them.

"That's not how to get a girl, bro."
Stewart couldn't help but to voice a few words that made Jimin look at him.

"Not now, Stewart."
His voice is colder than winter itself, before he stand up straight and started walking away.

"Hey cous! Where are you going?!"
August tried calling him and Jimin answered him without looking back as he held onto the metal door knob.
"Somewhere away from her."
With that, he completely went out.

"Wait up!"
The other guy put a huge piece of meat in his mouth before trying to stand up, only to get pulled down again by Nathaniel.

August perplexedly look at his friend.

"August, Let him be. He needs some time to cool off. You know how mad he is when Tyler cheated on her and seeing Lisa now liking someone new? It must be hard on his side."
Nathaniel sighed and reach out for his cupped of coffee. August laughed at the thought before shaking his head, disapproving on what his friend just say about his cousin.

"No way. He kept denying it."
August scoffed.

Stewart, Joy, and Nathaniel exchanged knowing looks before turning their heads to the only Clark that has left here. They cannot believe that being dense runs through their family tree.

"You two really share the same blood. Both of you are fools when it comes to girls."
Nathaniel shake his head for the umpteenth times. The only person who's normal here is maybe him but then again, who's fucking normal when you're going out with the same gender as you.

"What are you talking about, Nathaniel? It was the otherwise! Girls are fool to us."
August flashed a smirk to them before leaning on his chair as he chew the piece of meat his eating.

"Yeahh, says the one who keep going to that church every Sunday just to flirt with that Half Mexican hottie."
Stewart smiled teasingly remembering how August felt agitated for three days straight because of a certain girl he met inside the church.

"Hey, I'm changing ways okay? I think I just founded the light."
He dumbly denied not looking at them but to his phone. Checking on whatever it is, but his three friends just laughed at him.

"Oh thanked the holy God! It's a redemption for your sins!"
Stewart teased again and his irritating windshield laugh made August stood up from his seat.

"You two can fuck yourselves, I'm out!"
He says giving up, lifting his two hands in surrender before deciding to also go somewhere else.

"Can't believe he dumped Jenifer for that church girl, what is her name again?"
Nathaniel asked. That explains why they haven't seen the queen bitch for a while now. She must be hurt, everyone knew how she was head over heels with the school's famous player.

"I think it's Alaska. Alaska Rose Sunfire."
Stewart answered, he just hope Jenifer won't found out about any of this or else the church girl will surely have a miserable highschool life.

Back to Jimin and Lisa's fight. None of them three knew how it went that far.

But it all started after the day when Jimin witnessed the scene in front of his house. He don't know why but he started giving her the cold shoulder.

He dismissed every topic that comes from her, he also successfully avoided to be with her as long as possible, and he even asked August to be the one to fetch her every morning and that continues for about one week and a half.

At first, Lisa was very civil with it but the longer she tried to ignore that egoistic attitude of him? The more she gets annoyed by it.

Their friends also noticed the drastic change between them so they planned to eat lunch together for the both of them, but they didn't see this coming. Jimin and Lisa always teased each other but they don't get to the point where they fight for such things.

"Wow really. I totally didn't expect that. Jimin can be very childish when getting jealous."
Joy who's been silent since earlier speak, going back to the last topic they had before August's love life.

"If he heard you right now? You'll be dead."
Stewart shortly laughed as he continued eating his lunch.

"I know, that's why I've been quiet the whole time."
Joy laughed with him and three of them shake their heads with their friends dramas.

"Tyler, that bastard. He's lucky he isn't here with us."

"I totally agree."

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