Chapter 2 : Hearst

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Lisa Hearst, the most popular girl in South Cambridge High. Although she never claimed the title? People still recognize her as the 'it girl' of town.
Who would've thought that she will be the cause of the bad boy's downfall.

 Who would've thought that she will be the cause of the bad boy's downfall

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Falling in love inside of your circle of friends is no longer in Lisa's option the moment she and Tyler broke up because of some third party. Lisa Hearst swore to herself that she will no longer risk the friendship again because of clumsily falling in love with Mr. Wrong.

It took her time to move on since, Tyler Kim is her first love and maybe also in everything.

He swept Lisa on her feet when Tyler asked her to be his prom date last 2017 and they lasted for a year and a half.

Then it took her four months to get over him. Jimin Clark, the baddest bad boy in the town he was one of the people who never left her side when she was drowning herself with alcohol.

He may be cold and his words doesn't really have any filter on but Lisa Hearst appreciates his unusual friendship towards her.

Her other friends does help too but Clark was the only one who will stay till dawn with her. He will listen with her cries, wash her hair, and tucked her to bed.

But on daylight, The bad boy is aloof. One of the things that makes the it girl confused.

After their morning breakfast in the milkshake shop earlier, group 'A' squad which students called them 'The Royals' that includes, eight members.

Jimin Clark, or mostly known as the hottest bad boy here in South Cambridge High. Lisa Hearst, the most popular girl in the campus. Tyler Kim, who is known with his prince-like attitude and visuals. August Clark, the attractive playboy which is also Jimin's cousin. Nathaniel Raeburn, the president of the student council and also the school owner's son. Stewart Kings, the almost mr. perfect if not only he isn't bisexual. Soojin Williams, who was voted as the most sexiest girl in South Cambridge High. And Joy Cooper, the girl next door.

They were now at the halls and students has been gawking at them currently like they were some gods. However, on the other side of the hall is the 'B' squad but students called them 'The Elites' because of their families being rich.

They are six of them.
First of all, there's Jenifer Ruby Bass, who claimed the title as the richest student in South Cambridge High. Julia Bella Ross, the girl whose every men's dream. Alex Jeon, the daughter of a politician. Then there's Bobby Jones, Han Maver, and Mino Song, all three of them are sons of business tycoons.

Even with fourteen of them ruling the school, The Royals and The Elites aren't really that close. They go separate ways, with different places to hangout except The Milkshake Shop.

As soon as the squad 'A' had seen the 'B' squad, eight of them went into different rooms for their first subject other than Jimin and Lisa since they are having the same course.

"Where do you wanna sit this time?"
Lisa nudged Jimin, who is obviously not in the mood for talking so he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh I know! Let's sit here at the front."
Lisa smiled and pulled her friend's arm but the moment Jimin familiarized with the person who is already occupying the third seat. He was fast enough to dragged Lisa to the furthest seat at the back.

"No, I don't like there."


"No buts, I want to sleep and I won't able to sleep there."
She just rolled her eyes and complied at what he want. Jimin slumped his body at the chair, pulling Lisa beside him.

The girl put her things on the top of the table as she eyed the boy at the front row who's busy reading a book.

Jonas Jeon, his dark brown hair was tousled a bit but strangely it just makes him more attractive. He had his reading eyeglasses on and Hearst swear she can look at him until the class ends but of course, the bad boy beside her noticed her goggling again at Alex Jeon's twin brother.

Jimin took off his gray bonnet and put it on Lisa's head, making sure that he covered her eyes.

"Fucking Clark!"
She whined and slapped his hands away from her face but the said guy, just rolled his eyes at her before clicking his tongue and laid his head on the table, ignoring her.

"Don't be too obvious."
Jimin warned as he sleepily yawned.

"I am not."

"I can see those forming hearts in your eyes."

"That's not true."

"Believe what you want, Hearst. But don't come at me running because someone just broke your heart again."
Lisa pouted as she irritatedly throw his bonnet at his face.


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