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[harry’s pov]

My eyes flickered to my father as we had all seated. He was still dearly devoted to Mr. Rosenkrantz words. But what Mr. Rosenkrantz saw - the tailored suit, the knowing green eyes, the charming smile, and the way my father slowly twirled the content of his crystal glass in sluggishly slow turns as he listened interested to Mr. Rosenkrantz. That view was not the one I saw in that flash second before I turned my attention back to Caitlyn. What I saw was nothing but darkness of my hatred and the fact that I hated that man more intensely than what could be formed with words.

“Chicago’s just fine, Caity.” I took a deep breath and smiled back at the blonde I had known for years. Her wide smile spread deeper and her eyes momentarily sought to the table surface.

“It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?” Her words were more tender as I chuckled stiffly and decided I wasn’t going to make it through this weekend without alcohol.

“Time flies. How long since last?” I brought the Champagne glass to my lips and emptied the content in one drag, “two years?”

Caitlyn nodded with her beautiful brown eyes narrowed at me; she looked closer at my features probably taking in the changes that two years had left. I had already noticed how her cheekbones were more prominent, her eyes shone with more maturity, and the forms of her figure had turned softer - she was a woman now, the little girl was completely gone.

“At that Christmas Ball in Manhattan wasn’t it? Tiffany event or something like that if I remember correctly?” She giggled and rolled her eyes at the memory before she with her enchanting eyes followed my act as I placed the empty Champagne glass back on the table. My gaze flickered to my father again.

“Sounds about right,” the grin formed softly on my lips as I felt the alcohol slightly calm my nerves, “you did return the diamond necklace, right?”

A crooked smirk showed on her crimson red full lips, “unfortunately yes, wouldn’t mind having kept it though. But dad got me this instead - you like it?” Her thin elegant fingers followed the edge of the necklace chain from a few centimeters above the charm with sensual delicacy before she moved her index finger carefully over the sparkling diamond hanging a little deeper than where her collar bones were visible against the flawless skin. Her eyes didn’t leave my face as I watched the diamond glitter next to her nail polished finger nail and soft skin - that very like everything else about her was simply flawless.

“It’s a little too sparkly for my taste,” I smiled apologetically as my eyes met hers again. Caity leaned in the slightest to my side. Her chocolate brown eyes with the compelling dark makeup dragged me in with their warm interest and alluring beauty, her lips parted slowly, “still more into moon rocks, I see?”

I chuckled - I couldn’t help myself, before I nodded briefly with a growing smile. My eyes seeking over to my father, “yeah, I’m still in wonder over why they didn’t throw me out of that Tiffany & Co. Christmas Ball after my comments to that Chief Executive Officer, remember?”

Caity started laughing over the memory and she leaned back in her seat with closed eyes and a hand covering her mouth trying to moderate the laughter.

“You’ve always been one of a kind, Harry Styles. Glad to see nothing has changed,” she looked absolutely stunning with her cheeks naturally flushed rosa like that and eyes sparkling from the amusement. For a short second her eyes flickered to my lips.

“Caitlyn, dear. Glad to see my son still knows how to put a smile on a beautiful girl’s lips. Should we order? I hear the -” my father started of with a charming smile towards Caitlyn. My jaw clenched. I knew exactly what he was trying to do, but since this was not Caitlyn or her father’s fault it was hardly fair to take it out on them. If I had known they were coming I would naturally never have come; I would probably be on my way back to the airport to be frank. But instead I was trapped here forced to play the senator’s son, exactly like he wanted me to.

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