My past

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Zu Xing still can remember his past. His horrible past that make him like now. A cold and souless man. He never smile and always follow His Majesty order. His subordinates always scared to approched him. They called him a tyrant commander. These is because he never left his enemy behind alive. He also well known by his handsomeness and well built body. He got a sharp jaw line , piercing black eyes and a black hair. He is the personal bodyguard of Bou Zing ( Emperor) and at same time is a Commander of army. He very smart at the strategy to ambush. His skill never be doubt and only The Emperor can defeat him. Zu Xing can still remember his family always tortured him to deadth everyday.

He can remember his father always punched him and lock him down in the basement. His father blamed him for his mother deadth. He just barely 10 years old when that accident happen. One day his father just angry so much because of debt so he punch Zu Xing nearly die but suddenly Bou Zing come and save him. Bou Zing that time just 19 years old and at same time just passing by to find the murder of his family when he saw Zu Xing being beaten up by his own father. So Bou Zing helped him by killing Zu Xing father. Since that day Zu Xing always follow Bou Zing to find the murdered of his tamily and soon be the commander after the war. Thats why his face always be the sterned one. No one dare to come near him even women dont dare to near him eventhough he is a handsome man.

Zu Xing just arrived from his mission at The Zui empire. He walks to Emperor chamber after he heard about Empress pregnancy. He too shocked when heard the news but he shrugged it as long as his master happy. When I was at the conner of Emperor chamber ,someone just bumped onto me. I hear something cute from that person which is'Auch'

When that person tilt his head upward my heart is beating uncontrolly. The person infront of me now was a beauty. He got a brown and piercing eyes. His plump lips also really tempting. His skin so flawless and white. I just want to suck that skin to leave some marks that warns people he is offlimits. Zu Xing and that guy stare each other for a long time when suddenly that guy snapped from his thought and try to scurried away from me. I held his wrist and ask his name. That guy name is Zui Xiang. I kept repeated that name inside my skull everyday so that I can fingld him again. I want him for myself and he will be mine.

Zui Xiang pov

I was just walk out from the emperor chamber when I collide with something hard. I rubed my forehead and intent to scold that person but stumble stone at my place when my eyes look at this godly faces. That guy is so handsome. Luckily he is straight ortherwise he will seduce that guy. I tried to flew from that guy but before I can do ,that guy held my wrist tightly. He asked my name so I tell him my name and I break the held of my wrist. I ran to my room. I hope I dont see that guy again because that guy was looking at him with lust and that make him scared. He sleep with a wish that he will never meet that guy again but Zu Xing pray at god for the first time to meet that guy again.

They sleep with peaceful and tired body that night not knowing the fate already wrote for their destiny. Just hope their love story will be okey and last longer.

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