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Zui Xiang pov

This general really did not gave up easily. He always found some time to spent with me eventhough just 1 minute. My heart started to melt. I realized that I was too attached beside him. My heart would beat fractically when he near me. I thinked  I started to like him. I decided to comfirmed it first before told him.

I rushed to the Empress chamber as he summonded me just now.' Yes my Lady. Why did you summond me?' Zui Xiang asked with bow his head a little bit.' Do you know that The General will go into war between Dynasty Kym and Dynasty Zing?'

My eyes became big like it would pop from its socket. I was flabbergated since Zu Xing never told me anything.'I...I dont know Your Highness' I stammered my answer. I doozed  for awhile.

I dashed out from The Empress chamber, dont cared about The Empress anymore. I tried to find him but none. I asked one of the guards and they told me that The General along with The Empress were already went to the war. I couldnt believe it,he didnt told me anything. At least he could just inform me through   a letter.

I would surely ignored him when he returned back. I walked back to The Empress chamber with loud stomped feet.

After 3 months.

Zui Xiang pov

'Oh god! I am so boring. I feel empty. I miss his presence beside me. I think I love him. I wish he will come beside me right now.' I was sitting beside the pond in the near garden beside royal kitchen that I accidently found it. I looked up the bright and round moon, reminded me about him. I close my eyes ,imagine he was beside me.

I slept at that garden that night with a overwhelm feeling.

Next morning.

The news about the troop of our soldier would arrive this evening. I felt nervous since I dont know how to react when I met him. I asked from Th Empress permission to went outside the palace for a stroll. I was strolling in the busy market. Something clicked in my mind,today was a Latern Festival.

Usually I would celebrate it with my wife but since she had already die I thinked I would be lonely this year.

I kicked the side pebble while walking. I saw most of the stall had already full with decoration.

The night was falling.

I saw people with their love were prepared to celebrate The Latern Festival but here I was sitting at the bench. I ordered yuanxio from the near food stall and ate it quietly on the bench.

I was kicking  my legs in the air like a kid always did while staring at the dark sky,fulled with sparkling stars and a full moon

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I was kicking  my legs in the air like a kid always did while staring at the dark sky,fulled with sparkling stars and a full moon. Tonight a little bit breezy and cold. The cold air started to eat me to my bone. I rubbed my both hands to heat up a little bit my body.

My cheeks were dark red due to the temperature. I still wait for the latern being released. I wanted to do that but I dont want to do it alone.

Suddenly, a pair of hard and muscle hands wrapped around my waist. I was shocked and trying to release from whoever he was. Then, a voice of person I was begging and miss whispered at my left ear. I turned my body and saw him with a big smile plastered  his face.

My tears was welling at the corner of my eyes. I hugged him into a tight hug and burried my face on his tone muscle right chest. My tears started rolling down my face. I punched his chest lightly while muffling ' Where are you?''Why do you did not tell me '' I am lonely'

He just hushed me and caressed my back soothly. ' I am sorry,love. I had to. I want to tell you but I dont want make you worry. ' He kissed my forehead.

After my sadness moment,I scanned him. He was wearing the war attire. His dark hair was tied into a ponytail,a little dirt on his face and hold a latern.

He dargged me to the near lake and scrunched down to write on the latern. He write 'Zu Xing and Zui Xiang love forever''Love you so much' and lastly ' Will you be my lover?'

I was flabbergasted. He waited for my replied. I nodded my head. His face turn into bright smile. He light up the latern and both of us released the latern together. I was memerizing when I tilted my upward and saw a beautiful sight infront of my eyes.

 I was memerizing when I tilted my upward and saw a beautiful sight infront of my eyes

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He wrapped my waist and put his chin on my right shoulder blade. We savoured the moment while watching the sky.

Yes all of you got me,that man was Zu Xing.

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