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Zui Xiang pov

I scrunch my face when the sunlight striking my face from my window. I open my eyes and scan my room since  I got this room last night. This is just a mere room for a bodyguard like him. I wake up and walk to bathroom. While I was bath I was thinking about the man last night. I dimiss him from my thought and quickly tuck in to my balck hanbok.

I walk to The Empress chamber to guard him eventhough he reject me since he tought me as his friend. I always guard him from far or be his his shadow so that he will be more comfortable. I enter the Empress chamber but scurry away when saw The Emperor and The Emperess were making out. I stand outside with my cheek turn to pink dust. Then suddenly the man last night come infront of me and start staring atvmy face.

I feel uncomfortable so I ask him not to stare at my face. That man just stand like a statue eventhough I kept complaining at him. So I give up. A few hours later, The Emperor walk out from The Empress chamber with messy cloth. That guy leave me alone after The Emperor walk to his study room. I release my breathing taht I dont know that I was holding up, I get into Empress chamber with him laying on the matress naked. The bed also messed pretty bad, showed that they just finished their 'work'. Eventhough the Empress already pregnant almost 6 months but Emperor still intimate with Empress.

I walk and wake The Empress up since he didnt like his body sticky when sleep. The Empress walk to his bathroom and slipped into it. He moans when the hot water touch his sore body. I help him by scrubbing his back. Then we move back to Empress chamber and he continue sleep before that he command me to take a stroll around the palace. He wants me to take a break from work since a few months ago I lost my only family.

I walk to private garden since The Empress give permission to use it. I watch the breathtaking scenery infront of me. The birds chirping and the cricket making a sound make the private garden peaceful. I close my eyes to devour the moment but open my eyes back when someone block my face from  sunlight.

There is he in full glory, the man before. He sit beside me and continue staring at me. I ask his name and no wonder he close to Emperor since he is The Commander ,Zu Xing. I wonder why I cant see any girl beside him since he is a handsome guy.

' Well......hmmm....do you have someone special now?'
' No' that rasp and rough voice make my hair stand up.
' Ehhh....imposibble. You such a handsome man. You must have someone but dont want to show since she is beautiful fear someone will tackle her ,right?'
'No because the one I like is infront of me now. That man really beautiful with plump lip and pale skin. '

Zui Xiang gulped his saliva when hear someone confess at him since last time confess to me was my late wife. My cheek stain with pink dust. I cupped my cheek with both of my hand. My heart thumping so hard that it will burst out from my chest. I reach out my hand to my chest while asking myself what is this feeling. I wake up from my dream when Zu Xing caress my cheek.

'I will make you fall in love with me'
'I will never love someone else beside my late wife' Zui Xiang replay with stern face.
' I will court you in the name of the commander of this dynasty'

Zui Xiang ignore Zu Xing and walk out from private garden.

Zu Xing already mark his target since he like to hunt, this will be a very interesting hunting. The hunt to take someone heart. Zu Xing really determinate this time and once he mark hia target he will get it either use a smooth way or evil way. Zu Xing smirk when saw Zu Xiang almost tripped when he walk out from the private garden.

Zui Xiang will be mine and no one else will get him

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