Little baby.

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The both of them became sweet to each other. They planned to get marry. The Emperor and Empress also agreed and even sponsered their marriage since Zui Xiang was an orphance. Their marriage was prepared in small event. Only closest friend and family invited including the Emperor and Empress.

After a few months.

Zu Xing found this cute little baby boy inside the abandoned house during the war. The war was between their country and Zen country. They won the battle and he found the little baby. Inside the house with both of his parents died beside the baby. He brought that baby home to adopt. The Emperor gave his permission for Zu Xing kept the baby since Zui Xiang can't pregnant.

The little baby has captured Zui Xiang heart by his adaroble face and smile. They called him Zu Fei. He such an adorable child. He even doesnt cried at night.

Zui Xiang always spent time with Zu Fei since he was not the Empress bodyguard anymore. Zu Fei also became friend with Tou Ling.

At first, Zu Fei always slapped Tou Long but as time flew they became really close. The Empress also relieve as his little prince has a friend already.

After 5 years,

The Empress and Zui Xiang were sat on one of pavillion in the garden at palace. Watching their 5 years old toddlers playing while drinking couple of a cup of tea.

Tou Ling was chasing Zu Fei around with little stick. Tou Ling wore his little prince cloths while Zu Fei just wore a common cloths.

Suddenly the prince fell onto the ground. He wailed loudly. Zu Fei came forward and help him out. All the maids and guards were awed with the scene. They predicted that Zu Fei and The Crown Prince would fell in love in the future.

Gou Ling(The Empress) walked down the pavillion. He went to the crown prince and patted his head.

'My boy, be good to Zu Fei. He so kind to you.'
'Yes Your highness' Zu Fei nodded his head with his cute face.

A hand slipped on the  The Empress's right shoulder. That person was Zui Xiang. They smile to each other with a weaked smile that they were the only one understand it.

' My prince' two sources of sound called their boys. The General and The Emperor were kneeled on the ground with the warm openned arms.

'Father' both kids said simulteniously while running to their own father. Both boys were engulf in the warm of father.

They carried the kids to their wife. The Empress kiss Emperor's cheek while Zui Xiang kiss General's lips.

'It's not fair. Zu Xing get kiss on his lips while I got a kiss on my cheek' The Emperor cutely pouted and  pointed to his right cheek. The Empress shyly kiss The Emperor right cheek.

Gou Ling covered his face with his two palms. Tou Ling grabbed his mother hand and playes with it. Nimbling and bitting his hand.

The Emperor grinned like a psychopath and hugged his wofe with the baby inside his arm.

Zui Xiang and Zu Xing just watched their superior with awe. Zu Xing thanked Zui Xiang for accepted him and married him. He hope they would happy in the future like this.

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