Life of Zu Fei

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Zu Fei never married. Afraid to lose someone precious in his life. He always take care of Zui Xiang. Never left his mother except went to war and practicing.

Zui Xiang became older as time passed. His black old hair turned into gray. His smooth skin became wrinkled. But his eyes still looked same. The brown eyes that captured Zu Xing heart long time ago still shining. Shining for his son. Even though he had already old but he still look beautiful .

Every morning before Zu Fei went to practicing arena, he would brush his mother hair and tied it into a bun. and he would kiss his mother cheeks before leave.

During lunch, he would have a lunch with his mother. Feed his mother lovingly.

Before slept, he would give his mother a bowl medicine for his mother's body and strenght. Then, he would kiss his mom temple before went to sleep. These routine continued until.............

10 years later.

Zui Xiang fell sick. His body became thinner. His back became haunched. He lose his appetied. His healthy body   became a weak body. He even need help to walk around.

The physician can't detected the sickness that Zui Xiang faced. Zu Fei was frustrated. He didn't want to lose his mother. He tried everything. Even The Emperor commanded The Royal Physician to heal Zui Xiang but they vulnerable to do anything. They didn't know what sickness attacked Zui Xiang's body. They just provided a medicine for body strength.

After 2 years,

Zu Fei and his mother was at pavillion at the garden. Zu Fei took his mother outside to take fresh air. They sat on the wooden pavillion

'Son.' Zui Xiang called Zu Fei.

' Yes mom.' Zu Fei looked at his mother face.

' I thinked I will not live longer. I can saw your father is waiting for me in my sleep. I miss him my son.' Zu Fei stand up and walked to his mother. Zu Fei hugged his mother from behind. Put his face on Zui Xiang's right shoulder. His eyes started to well at the corner of his eyes.

' I don't thinked I can fight this sickness anymore. I feel tired all this time. I can still survive until now because of you,my son.' Zui Xiang caressed his son face.

'Please take care of yourself. Don't forget to eat even though you busy. Wear thicker clothes when winter . Don't let your body cold. Quickly uninfect your wound. Lastly, please get marry. There is someone that will love and cherish you. Don't be scare to love someone. You need someone in your live' Zu Fei tears fall down his cheeks like a stream. This was his first time crying. He really love his mother.

' And my son, I am sorry for everything bad that I had done to you. I love you' Zui Xiang ended his talked with harsh breath and his vision became blur.

His body was lifeless inside his son embraced.

' up. Mom... I love you...Mom.' Zu Fei was terrified. He plead his mom to wake up but vulnerable. His mother had already die.

They burried his mother beside Zu Xing tomb. A wife had return to his husband.

-The End-

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