The War

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After  5 years of peace

Zui Xiang and The Empress along their child were playing in the garden. Having such a beautiful moment.



Someone tried to open the palace door. All maids and guards scattered around. Maids ran for their life while a troop of guards defend the palace. But their were out of number. Numerous soldier fall down with a puddle of blood around them. The enemy were marching into the palace with ease since the palace lack of guards. Only royal guards presence.

Zui Xiang and The Empress were shocked. Their baby ran and hide behind their mother robe.

'What is that?' both of them were puzzled. Then,one of the maids came and asked them to run because there were intruders inside the palace. The Empress along with his son, Zui Xiang and  Zu Fei were running.While they were running, Zui Xiang grabbed one of the fallen guard's sword.

Zui Xiang pushed The Empress and their children behind him when some of the intruders marched towards them. Zui Xiang slashed them while protecting people behind him.

All they could hear were swords clacking to each other and the screaming of deafeted guards and some maids that trying to withstand the palace. It was terrifying scene for the youngers.

Zui Xiang tried to hold the intruders infront of him but he was out of number.

Without he reliesed one of the fallen intruders was aiming an arrow towards him. The arrow was realesed and slashing through the wind. But someone stopped it. It was the General. Unfortunately,he stopped it with his body. Zu Xing felt numb while blood was pouring out of his chest. The soldiers stormed into the palace and battled with the remain enemies.

Zui Xiang screamed out his lung. He took one of the sword and gave it to The Empress before he marched towards his husband. Placed Zu Xing's head on his lap.

' No honey! Please don't leave me!' tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Blood poured out of Zu Xing mouth as he tried to speak.
' Dar..ling, I am to yo..u fro..m' Zu Xing inhaled difficultly.
' I so..rry be..cause I thi..nked that I can..not stay..ed with un..til us ol..d an..d wrink..le' Zu Xing stared at his beloved's eyes for the last time. Before death consumed him. He wanted to remember the person he loved so much.

'I w..ill fi..nd y..ou my love af..ter this li..fe. Even I.. am just a fl...ower. I w..ill fi..nd you. I pr...omise' slowly Zu Xing body's become limp and cold. Soul has out of his owner.

Zui Xiang cried his heart out. He did not noticed that the war was over and the enemy has died. But they has lost a precious general for their country.

The Empress tried to comfort Zui Xiang but failed. So he just let Zui Xiang hugged and cried over Zu Xing body.

Zu Fei also cried as he would never met his other father. But he determined to become a great and strong person when he adult so that he could get revenge for his father deadth. At that point the  powerful General throughout the centuries was born.

The funeral was performed with horrow and sorrow aura inside the palace. The General along with other his soldier mate were burried inside the memorial graves in the palace.


Guys this chapter is so sad. I wanted a happy ending but I need something new about my book so I decided to write a sad ending. Sorry about the sad story.

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