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Oh god I am sorry guys. I totally forget to update my book. I currently bussy because I was having my exam since last month. Sorry guys. Enjoy these new chapter🤗.


Zu Xing pov

I was searching for Zui Xiang past three days ago. He simply wanted avoid me but I pretty smart than him. Right now,here I was hiding behind the bushes near the imperial kitchen. My beautiful love was eating udon messily but I found it so cute. I stared at his beautiful face with pale skin.

I stared at him quite long and when he walked away, I followed.

'Yaah stop followed me, you stupid dumbass'

I walked out from my hiding place to greet my love. I walked to him and placed my hand on his waist. He glared at me but unmoved my hand. I felt happy.

'What do you want?' Zui Xiang asked while rolling his eyes.

'Hmm.....I want to be your husband'
'Dont you have any shame? I am a man and you a man. Why you want to be my husband? I am not a woman that can give you a child' Zui Xiang answer with pouting face.

'I dont care . I want you. Love doesnt meant gender and child. I wanted to grew older with you. Please give me chances' Zu Xing pleaded with puppy eyes

Zui Xiang pov

It such a weird when a fierce handsome famous general pleaded me with puppy eyes since he well known to be an expressionless man. I felt butterflies inside my stomach.

' Okay. I give you a chance but only one'

'Yes' Zu Xing face lighten up and quickly pecked my lip. I stunded. Then,he flew away from scene leaving me stunded at my place. I caressed my lip. Beside my wife no one else kissed me since she died. My cheeks slowly painted with pink dust. I walked back to my bedroom and slumped my body onto hard  yet warm bed.

I hoped that Zu Xing really love me. I wanted to start a new live with someone that can cherish me till I died. I closed my eyes as the dream engulf me.


I was sitting on the big rock at a beautiful waterfall. I scanned the place. It was such a peaceful place that I never been. Suddenly my late wife was standing a few rock away from me with a cute little girl.

' Zui Xiang my husband, I came to you to show you our child.' Zui Xiang eyes bream with tears that slowly rolling down his face.
' I miss you my love' Zui Xiang reply while his late wife just smilling warmly at him.
'I know. I am sorry because I left you early with our daughter. I hoped you will open up your heart. I worried that you will be alone till you die' His wife pleade him.
' I cant, I still love you'
' Please my husband,I already gone you should  find another man or girl to be by your side. I want my old cheerful husband'
' Yes appa. I also want you to be happy' His killed unborn daughter talked with smile.
' I tried okay but eventhough I find someone that replace you I will still loving you and you will be my number 1 in my heart. '
'Thank god. We leaving now my husband. Thank you for always protect me and loving me till I died.'
' Thank you appa because protected me too since I was in womb'

End of dream.

I woke up with tears rolling down my cheeks. I sat and silently promised to give Zu Xing chance to win my heart.

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