The General Wrath

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Zu Xing pov

That Afternoon.

I was holding a bouque of red roses from the palace garden while walking to my lover bedroom. Well just said that I stole from palace garden but nobody could stop me since I am a General of this state. The thumping of my shoes could be heard from a mile due to my heavy armor.

Arriving infront of the small wooden door with a little bit scratchy, I knocked the door and waited for him to open. But nothing just a sound of criket and I openned the door. I was shocked when I saw the spotless bed was empty with a matress at the corner of the room. I wondered for awhile since usually Zui Xiang always at his bed during afternoon. I walked out and started jogged to The Empress chamber.

I saw Emperor was walking out from the chamber so  ...

'Your Highness'
' Ohh....Zu Xing what are you doing?'
' Emm....Your Highness did you saw Zui Xiang?'
' Oh yes! He went out with my Empress to the village since this morning' my face started to light up but this morning.
'Your Highness! This morning? Didn't it weird that they went out at the morning till now without returned back?' The Emperor face churned down and his dark aura dooze out.

He hollered some guards to follow him and they went out including Zu Xing. All the villagers were shocked when saw a numerous of guards of palace searching for someone. Besides Emperor himself also searched including the famous general.

Suddenly,someone collided with Emperor buff body. He grabbed that person before he fell down. But what make him shocked was that person was his wife.

' Darling,are you okay?' The Emperor asked his wife but The Emperess face was terrified and pale.
' Xiang' He stammered at his own words while pointing to the dark alley.

I rushed to that place and searched for him. I saw a jed bracelet with the craving that only a high status could obtain it. It was belong to Zui Xiang since I gave it to him. I picked it up and clenched it.

A warm hand placed on my right shoulder and squeezed it a little bit.

' We find him' a muderous voice booming inside the dark alley with muderous eyes. That voice belong to Zu Xing.

Zu Xing moved the hand belong to Emperor and walked out with dark aura around him. He swear that he would look out for his lover and kill tha person who had kidnapped Zui Xiang. He would have some fun to hunt whoever it was. All the guards was terrified with their general face. The rare face showed outside the battlefield. Usually that face only used in the battle bht today they saw it. That face only showed for blood lust. And they knew that their General literally would hunt down that culprit till the end of the world.

At other place

Zui Xiang pov

My eyes flutter openned and my head felt was spining around the world. I tried to focus and scanning the place I was sitting right now. The place actually a bedroom with a small bed and a cradenza near the window. I tried to move but fail miserablely . I was tied on a chair with my body and feets roped down at the chair.  I could not move. Only my head could move.
'Who the heck that kidnapped me?'

I thinked Zu Xing obviously would worry. I have to get out from here but where am I. Without Zui Xiang knowing almost 3 days he was blacked out. He tried to find any hole to pass through. The bedroom only have one tiny hole near the roof so it was a not a solution. Zu Xing come and help was the only hope of Zui Xiang.

At the palace.

Almost 4 days past without Zui Xiang and Zu Xing literally could not eat and even sleep without saw his lover. The Emperor gave his command to find Zui Xiang but until now there was no any news about him. The Emperess also felt guilty and trauma till he always had nightmare every nights.

The General also nearly lost his sanity.  He was nearly killed his subordintes due to they could not find Zui Xiang.


Someone threw open door of General chamber harshly. That person was one of his right hand man, Li Zui that stroming into the chamber.

'General.....we found him.' He said with a harsh breath due to run.

Zu Xing quickly stood up and ran out from his chamber. He commanded some guards to follow him.

'I am coming for you ,my love'

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